TB500 how does this dosage look?


beastin on twerps
Just got my tb500 in the mail and was wondering if this dosage sounds good.

4mg a week for 6 weeks then 5mg a month for maintaning.

Also do I just shoot it once a week? and Do I shoot it sub cutaneous or inter muscular? How much BAC water do I mix with 4mgs?
Average dosing is 2-5mg a week for 6 weeks then 5mg a month to maintain.. So yeah.. your setup looks good to me.

1 shot is fine.. as would be breaking up the dose in to two shots if you prefer. Subq is good if you don't have a specific injury you are looking to rehab. If you do have specific site, I prefer to inject IM as close to the injury as possible. - this is more or less a bro science preference.
ok great. One more question. How long can I stay on tb500?

you can definitely stay on a while. after the first 6 weeks you'll be on a maintenance dose and you can do that for a while.

During the loading phase, I'd split it up in two pins a week.