tb500 shoulder jab ?


New member
Hey fellas,
Bought me some tb500 for a fukd shoulder(torn labrum) gunna b sticking 2mg into it for the next 6 weeks . first jab i tryed to get it into my shoulder with an insulin syringe , couldnt do it so i stuck it in my thigh next pin i would like to stick my shoulder . any tips ?
thanks :cool:
I sometimes have trouble as well with my delts. You just gotta be fast and quick about it. Maybe you should use smaller gauge
keep us posted w/ your progress bro, ive heard tb-500 is supposed to be awesome for joint injuries but i havent read any first hand reviews yet. i wanna run it w/ igf1-Lr3 & des along with 200mg test & nandrolone (Npp) for my fucked up knees.
yeah im pumped its ment to work well. its just gunna work even better if i can jab into the shoulder im just struggling coz my ROM in my other shoulder is shit aswell .
ya man i got the exact same shoulder problem..i am starting tb-500 in the nextish week at 5mg a week loading the first 4 weeks..im hoping it helps out my shoulder also
ya man i got the exact same shoulder problem..i am starting tb-500 in the nextish week at 5mg a week loading the first 4 weeks..im hoping it helps out my shoulder also

Yeah does ur shoulder swell when ur training ? have u been told u have to have surgery ? mines fukd i wish i wasnt such an idiot when i first started lifting coz its pretty much ruined my symmetry its formed different to my other shoulder :thumbsdow which is f*****
No its doesn't swell but it clicks and pops. They said it could only be corrected with surgery.
I use dumbbells mainly because it doesn't bother my shoulder as much.
thats odd , mine doesnt do that it just swells and hurts lik a bitch sometimes . well keep us posted ill do the same
Ive heard tb500 shoud be IQ i have been pinning my 250 lb gorillas abdomen and should be two 2mg per week for 6 weeks preloading and then 2mg every two weeks for maintenance. This is directly from the research company!
Thymosin Beta 4 is a naturally occurring peptide. It is found in high concentrations in blood platelets, wound fluid and other tissues in the body. TB500 is not a growth factor; rather, it is a major actin regulating peptide. TB500 has been found to play an important role in protection, regeneration and remodeling of injured or damaged tissues. The gene for TB500 has also been found to be one of the first to be upregulated after a wound occurs.

-Endothelial (blood vessels) cell differentiation
-Angiogenesis (growth of new blood cells from pre-existing vessels) in dermal tissues
-Keratinocyte migration
-Collagen deposition; and
-Decreases inflammation.

Thymosin Beta 4 offers many benefits to the equine world in performance racing. Recent trials by some of the world***8217;s leading trainers on their prize winning equine members of both genders, have been credited by a huge boost in their race-day results, something long desired in the racing world.

These trials along with clinical trials have indicated the following benefits associated with the use of Thymosin Beta 4 on mares and stallions*:

Relaxed muscle spasm
Improved muscle tone
Increase the exchange of substance between cells
Encourage tissue repair
Stretches connective tissue
Helps maintain flexibility
Reduces inflammation of tissue in joint
Enhances nutritional components in the animal
Prevents the formations of adhesions and fibrous bands in muscles, tendons and ligaments.

When these proven benefits are viewed in conjunction with the fact that 60% of a horse;s body weight is muscle, it is clear to see the full potential of TB500 can be reviled in by majority of the horse body.

In a racing era that surrounds itself around gaining that competitive edge through the use of various substances, none will deliver the results that will be experienced with the use of Thymosin Beta 4 Perhaps the greatest selling point of the product is that it tb500 100% DRUG FREE and DOES NOT SWAB. This allows the peptide to be used right throughout racing spells in both training and competition completely free of any banned substance.

Doubt your going to feel anything in a day, going to take some time to do what its designed for! you might get a little relief, in a couple of days if your issue is inflammation! But since you have a torn labrum it going to take some time.
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I banged that shit though my shoulder the other day. It felt a lil better I guess, da shot felt good though.