Tbol and anavar cycle was told to get these to cut up


New member
I’ve not done this cycle before anyone starts jumping the gun ***128514;!

Im just writing this tread because I’ve heard that anavar and Tbol are the safest and less hpta toxic ? And would really like to cut up I’m 14 stone not fat but got a fair bit of body fat I’d say around 20-30% I’m 6”2 and 22 years old i look good in a tshirt but you can see when it’s off that I need to cut up a little i was told to buy anavar 50mg 60tabs and Tbol 20mg 50 tabs and to take 1 of each everyday so a 6-8 weeks course wich would come to a total of 70mg both together ? And to run clomid and nolva and take the milk thistle whilst supplementing ?
tbol and anavar cycle?????? huh? you better read the beginer threads stickies at the top of the forum and stop listening to whoever is telling you to buy this and that.

If your Current Body Fat is above 20%.
You are not even close to being ready for any AAS.

I get this question alot, guys wanting to run an Oral Only Cycle.
Cause they think if they aren't using a Needle, it will be safer.

Oral AAS, by and large are Extremely Hard on your Liver.
They are Hepatotoxic ~ Period !
A Test Only Cycle by comparison, will be less strain on your Organs and Liver.

But again, at your Current Body Fat, you are nowhere near ready for a Cycle.
Remember this, the Higher your Body Fat, the more Strain on your Heart/Liver/Kidneys.
The Greater the chance of High Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol Issues.
And the greater the chance of Estrogenic Side Effects.
High Body Fat = High Estrogen.................................. JP