Tbol/Test/Primo 1st cycle


New member
I am planning to start a Tbol only cycle for 6 weeks @40mg/day.I have been taking propecia for 3 yrs now to prevent hair loss and my question is should i add around 150 mg of test to this cycle?I am looking for gaining around 15 pounds after post cycle therapy (pct) but am really concerned about my hair.I did a research online and found that primobolan is good if one is concerned about hair.However you need some form of test along with primo since it supresses the HPTA.
What would you suggest
1>tbol only cycle for 6 weeks @40mg
2>tbol(40mg/week) + test(150 mg/week)
Hair loss is a concern for me as i have been taking propecia for 3 yrs now.
I weigh 150 pounds with 14% BF.
This will be my first cycle
150.. you are not ready for roids yet!! you need to get your diet in check look at the diet form from 3j he is the man on getting you where you need to be..