Tes prop only cycle NEWBIE

Hey I have been browsing the site for quite some time now reading alot of what you users with experience and knowledge suggest to newbies like myself and I want to get more serious with my training now and steroid usage so thought I would be best off signing up

Firstly, let me introduce myself

Age 23
Weight 14 stone 8 (204 lbs)
Height 6'1
Lifting since I was 17
Body fat around 15-17%

I have done 3 cycles in the past with very little knowledge although I have done my PCT each time and my dick definitely still works..

I haven't touched any steroids for over 10 months now and have kept quite a lot of strength from my last course.

I have just purchased 30 ml of Alpha Pharm TestoRapid Tes Propionate its 100 mg I a planning on running the cycle for 10-12 weeks at 1ml EOD (The main reason for running tes prop rather than tes cyp for example is because tes prop comes out your system in 1 month and the job I will be applying for after graduation I will get be getting drug tested. (I will be buying another bottle next pay day to ensure it lasts me throughout my course this is a school boy error that has happened in the past were half way through a course I have ran out of gear and had to wait another 2 weeks for my next jab)

I am deadly serious about the gym now more than ever before and I know tes prop is often used for cutting cycles although you can bulk from it depending on your diet. I want to put more size on before I start stripping down so any information or advice would be greatly appreciated!

Plus what would be ideal for the PCT to run alongside after I have finished this cycle.

Thanks again!

PS I will be posting pics to track my progression and will be starting my course tomorrow
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You are too young too cycle. Wait until you are 25

Never ever start a cycle until you have everything in hand. That is a recipe for disaster. You also need to get an aromatase inhibitor and run it the entire time you run test.

What PCT did you run in the past? Nolva and clomid are commonly used together for PCT.

Will you be getting pretty, mid and post cycle blood work?
Thanks for your reply although it is abit too late to wait lol my PCT in the past has been as you put Nolva and Clomid I have also used HCG which I found very good to boost my testosterone back to its normal state what is this aromatase I have read about this on a few different forums although I am not quite sure what it is and by the blood work are you referring to blood checkups?
You should not use hcg during pct. It is suppressive to your hpta. Before is fine/good. Just not during.

Testosterone aromatizes (converts) into estradiok which is a potent form of estrogen. While men need estradiol, too much or too little is bad. High test levels results in a lot of amromatization. Unless you like feeling like shit and getting boobs, you shouldn't let it get too high. Google aromatase enzyme.

Yes. Blood work is blood checkups. Need to see where things like Total Test, estradiol, LH, FSH, liver, kidneys, hematocrit and so are are at. Need to cycle responsibly if you are going to do it.
No worries well thanks for your advice I heard that running Aromatase during your course effects your gains I am mainly concerned about my PCT for after the course I will probably be running Nolva and clomid just unsure exactly when to run it and the dosage as I wanna keep as much as my gains as possible
No worries well thanks for your advice I heard that running Aromatase during your course effects your gains I am mainly concerned about my PCT for after the course I will probably be running Nolva and clomid just unsure exactly when to run it and the dosage as I wanna keep as much as my gains as possible

Running an AI will only HELP your gains because your estradiol will not be too high. Why would you want high estrogen/estradiol? Looking for a new set of boobs?
So is this AI something I can purchase online or am I going to have to get it from my usual supplier I most definitely do not want bumps I am prone to gyno I once got a small lump in my nipple whilst on dianobols then after taking 40 mg of tamoxifen for a short while it went
It's crazy that this is your fourth cycle and u dont know the basics yet. Start reading a lot and learning.
So is this AI something I can purchase online or am I going to have to get it from my usual supplier I most definitely do not want bumps I am prone to gyno I once got a small lump in my nipple whilst on dianobols then after taking 40 mg of tamoxifen for a short while it went

You can get anastrozole from RUI. Their ad is at the top of your screen.