New member
Hey I have been browsing the site for quite some time now reading alot of what you users with experience and knowledge suggest to newbies like myself and I want to get more serious with my training now and steroid usage so thought I would be best off signing up
Firstly, let me introduce myself
Age 23
Weight 14 stone 8 (204 lbs)
Height 6'1
Lifting since I was 17
Body fat around 15-17%
I have done 3 cycles in the past with very little knowledge although I have done my PCT each time and my dick definitely still works..
I haven't touched any steroids for over 10 months now and have kept quite a lot of strength from my last course.
I have just purchased 30 ml of Alpha Pharm TestoRapid Tes Propionate its 100 mg I a planning on running the cycle for 10-12 weeks at 1ml EOD (The main reason for running tes prop rather than tes cyp for example is because tes prop comes out your system in 1 month and the job I will be applying for after graduation I will get be getting drug tested. (I will be buying another bottle next pay day to ensure it lasts me throughout my course this is a school boy error that has happened in the past were half way through a course I have ran out of gear and had to wait another 2 weeks for my next jab)
I am deadly serious about the gym now more than ever before and I know tes prop is often used for cutting cycles although you can bulk from it depending on your diet. I want to put more size on before I start stripping down so any information or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Plus what would be ideal for the PCT to run alongside after I have finished this cycle.
Thanks again!
PS I will be posting pics to track my progression and will be starting my course tomorrow
Firstly, let me introduce myself
Age 23
Weight 14 stone 8 (204 lbs)
Height 6'1
Lifting since I was 17
Body fat around 15-17%
I have done 3 cycles in the past with very little knowledge although I have done my PCT each time and my dick definitely still works..
I haven't touched any steroids for over 10 months now and have kept quite a lot of strength from my last course.
I have just purchased 30 ml of Alpha Pharm TestoRapid Tes Propionate its 100 mg I a planning on running the cycle for 10-12 weeks at 1ml EOD (The main reason for running tes prop rather than tes cyp for example is because tes prop comes out your system in 1 month and the job I will be applying for after graduation I will get be getting drug tested. (I will be buying another bottle next pay day to ensure it lasts me throughout my course this is a school boy error that has happened in the past were half way through a course I have ran out of gear and had to wait another 2 weeks for my next jab)
I am deadly serious about the gym now more than ever before and I know tes prop is often used for cutting cycles although you can bulk from it depending on your diet. I want to put more size on before I start stripping down so any information or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Plus what would be ideal for the PCT to run alongside after I have finished this cycle.
Thanks again!
PS I will be posting pics to track my progression and will be starting my course tomorrow
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