TEST 400 1st Timer--week1


New member
Well I was speaking with a friend that has been in to body building ect. ect. very experienced in the game. Was telling him I want a pick me up, something to make me feel right, get back in the action. He brought me a vial of test 400
it is to be 150 enth , 150 cyp and 50 prop. He told me to take 1iu once a week and should start feeling better in about 2 weeks. Said my vial could last up to a year depending on how I use it. Well after realizing what I had and doing some research ( a lot on here so thanks btw) I have been going EOD. I started out with 1 iu, then 2, then 3 and now at .5 cc. i have noticed my testicles are shrinking due to not having to produce Test but I wanted to ask you guys what you think about this cycle. Again I am new so I may not be 100% just yet. I am 33 y/o first pin was glute (ouch) 2nd was right quad, 3rd was left quad, and 4th (tonight) was back in the right quad. I am not sure how much I have or how long it will go but wanted to know what some of you though about this, how long of a cycle, and what to follow up on when I get off. I was thinking 2-3 weeks on! My goals are to stay under the radar somewhat so no SERIOUSLY FAST GAINS but I do want to pack on some muscle mass and get back in the gym and hit it hard. I have been seriously active in and around the gym for 12 years now with some serious workout programs so that is not new to me. Pinning was a new experience but seems to go better each time. If you feel this is not the right place for this please inform me. Thanks!
All you are feeling is the prop. The test e and test c wont kick in until 4 weeks. I would run it for 12 weeks and the post cycle therapy (pct) after. You should also be running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Do some research and look what other people are running and how they are running it.
If you don't want you balls to shrink look into some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to take will on cycle.
Well IU was what I was told to start out with. After a little research I read to go more and go EOD which I am doing M, W, F. Just started my 2nd week and I am back to the glute. Just pinned .5 CC no problem. Yes I noticed testicles getting smaller and I was forewarned by a reliable source that I will be following in the future. No, I am not familiar with taking anything else with the Test. Advice? Thanks for the words of wisdom so far. Looking forward to more advice. Thanks in advance. You guys are very helpful! My Bro is not home right now but has a great source and will seek some advice as soon as I can on a new cycle. I just want to finish this one out since I have the product, not sure if I have 14 weeks worth though!
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Well yesterday I continued following my MWF pin, and pinned about .07 cc's. I do not know if I should start increasing or what for i cant seem to get much advice on here. This will be the start of my 4th week. I weighed in at 200 lbs on Saturday (which I have never weighed) and was a bit concerned because I had cut down to around 185 before I started the cycle. Well I taped out anyway and was only at 13%. So another goal now is to get under the 13%. I understand I started out slow, but i started out for a different purpose. I know want to take full advantage of this and build some mass. Any more recommendations? If so how much longer should I go? What else should I add if anything? Thanks guys!
going through my 7th week now and I can tell during workouts I am pumping up nice. I suppose the Cyp and Enth are kicking in nicely. Pinning has become a nice rotation right glute, right quad, left quad rotation with minor soreness. I am pretty used to working through the day with soreness anyway so not an issue. I am up to 200 lbs not after cutting to around 183. 7 weeks in and it actually surprised me to be gaining like this. I got a new vial of supposedly the same blend so I can now go the 12 weeks. I am ONLY pinning the Test400 for I have had a 50/50 response on taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Testicles have shrunk probably 1/2 of what they were I guess, other than that no major sides besides the muscular gain. I personally have not noticed besides the pump during the workout but in 2 days I had like 6-8 family members ask me if I am working out.......so obviously it is working great. I am still needing guidance in to figuring out quantity in vial as far as mg/ml and recommended dosage. I am know pinning between .5 and 1 ml EOD easily now would appreciate it if someone can tell me if this is good to go or if I should bump it on up. Like I said in week 7 shooting for 5 more but do not want to use the vial up too fast either. Lastly, how much time off before I should cycle back on? Around the 1st of June my lil bro (205lbs 0-6% BMI) will be back and can guide me on with his perfect resulting (NEW) cycle. Not exactly sure what he is going with quite yet! Thanks guys
that's funny because I was just thinking that in my head yesterday after reading other post About Test. Further research is in Order!
You seem to be getting what you was originally lookin for stick to what you are doing follow with some clomid and wait till next cycle to get more into it
You seem to be getting what you was originally lookin for stick to what you are doing follow with some clomid and wait till next cycle to get more into it

Thanks I am happy with how things are working out...following with Clomid? when? and how much (quantity speaking)