Test 400mg a week cycle (PCT to use? HCG, Arimidex, Nolva, Clomid?)


New member

Right guys i'm getting all ready for my first cycle doing LOTS of research but i seem to see lots of cross referencing, one person saying one thing and another person saying another so i thought i'd make a thread to see if i can get some solid answers to my questions.

i'm only going to be running Test 400 (Test Enanthate 200mg, Decanoate 200mg blend) Pinning HALF a mill twice a week for 10 weeks but i'm just getting confused about the PCT.

For a fact i'll be running the nolva and Clomid as standard at the end but whats the real deal with HCG and an AI with a simple cycle like this?

Run HCG From the start till last pin twice a week at 250ui with arimidex along side? Start HCG at a certain amount of weeks through/when you see teste atrophy? and would aromasin be better then arimidex?

And just because ive just seen this in a thread also DO I NEED! letro on hand when running arimidex?

Thanks in advance for any replies there's so much to learn and my head is getting crammed with info.
If you are going to run a cycle, go for a full 12 weeks... get all you can get out of it.
500-600mg split is a good dosage for first time...

I just run Clomid at 50/50/50/50
Its up to you how you run HCG. There are so many protocols possible. I use one shot of 1500iu at the end of my cycle once the longest ester has finished. Its not the common thing, but it just works for me so Im sticking with it.

As for the Letro. I just think its handy to have some on hand just incase things get messy. Its so strong you only need a few tabs to have on hand to get you out of trouble

Tell us more about your PCT bro. Its the most important part of your cycle.

As for your confusion about all the information and possibilities. It doesnt need to be complicated. Just keep things simple. Only read about Testosterone and pct meds. Dont get sidetracked and look at all the other compounds.

Inject testosterone.
Eat according to your goals.
Train hard and smart
Sleep as much as you can.
Avoid empty calories and alcohol (moderate drinking is ok on special occasions. You still need to live a life!)
Drink lots of water

Its that simple. Do that and you will love seeing the results

Have fun and enjoy it bro!
I am running test e and tren e right now with HCG at 250mg 2x per week. 3 weeks in and no testes atrophy. Running adex at .5mg eod and libido is very strong. Strong enough the wife is faking headaches 3rd go around of the day. But the test and deca should give you good results and the deca will help with your joints. This will prove helpful if you have quick gains in size and strength on your first cycle.