Test and Masteron Cycle Advice please


New member
Hi guys I was looking for some advice on a Test and Masteron cycle if possible. This will be my 3rd cycle, 2 previous cycles of Test only 1st time Cyp about 4 years ago and 2nd time E about 2 years ago. Both times 500mg for 12 weeks.
Stats 35yo, training since teens, just under 10% bf. Looking for lean gains and hardness (some vascularity would be nice too haha :)
Im thinking of doing a cycle of Test and Masteron. I was wondering if you guys agreed this would be a good cycle to achieve my goals.
Im thinking* 250pw test e and 400pw masteron e split into 2 and pinned twice weekly does that seem ok?? Or should the test be upped to 300-500??
Ive never added a compound to test so just curious how this would affect things.
Also PCT wise is Nolva 40/40/20/20 sufficient??
Thanks so much for your help
As far as pct, you should take clomid along with your nolva. Some people can get away with just one or the other, but if you are going to do that then it should be after a cycle of test only. The more compounds you take, the more difficult the recovery. Pct should be as follows:
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 50/50/50/50

Now, for your proposed cycle, 250 isn't enough test in my opinion. Mast is a great compound, but it isn't one of the stronger ones. I think you should run test prop @ 100mgs/eod at least. Your mast dose should be at least 600. The reason I recommend test prop is because you will bloat a lot less on short ester test than you would on a cyp, or an enanthate. This is definitely beneficial when you want to run a cutting drug like mast. You should run that cycle for at least 8 weeks, with 10 being optimal. Mast shouldn't be run for too long, as it is one of the more harsh injectables. That would suffice for your goals, especially since your bf% is lower, but I feel like you woulld be better of running Test @ 350-600 with some equipoise @ 600-800. The test won't matter in that cycle. You will bloat less with the prop again, so I would still choose that, but eq has to be ran for at least 14 weeks, with 18 being optimal. The only problem with eq is it will make you hungry as a fucking horse so I would get some clen to suppress your appetite a bit. Eq will get you insanely vascular, put on some decent size, and hard, but not as hard as mast will. The mast will get yopu hard as a rock, not very much size, and vascular, but nearly as vascular as the eq would. Choose wisely.
If you do run EQ be sure to monitor blood work. It tends to make your hematocrit rise quickly. If you donate pre cycle and donate as often as you can you should be fine.
Considering that your goal is lean gains and vascularity I feel mast is an excellent choice to add to test for your first "stack". The 600 test/600 mast ratio will work fine and at 10% bf the visual effect should be pretty much what you're after. Not a great mass drug but definately adds that polish to a already well developed physique. Watch that hairline tho...