Test C. 100mg/week


New member

This is my first post and I thought posting my current (and first) cycle is a nice way to introduce myself. I'm doing a 14wk cycle of (just) 100mg Test C. per week. My goal is to be able to recover better such that I can train harder and more. I don't want to gain a lot of weight, just increase my recovery.
I'm now on week 8 and I'm feeling the results since 2 weeks. My test levels before the cycle were 767ng/l and I don't know what they are now, but I expect around 1100. My sex drive is up a bit and I can indeed train harder, which is great :-)
I'm now training about 15 hours a week, mixing strength training, crossfit and lots of cycling. This weekend I did 2 long high intensity rides and I'm feeling a lot better than I would normally have felt after a weekend like this. I think it is working :-)
I'm not planning to do any post cycle therapy (pct) (because the dose is so low).

I'll post updates here if anything interesting happens.

~ J
Nobody told me. Why are you asking? Do you disagree? I thought that slightly raising my T levels would already help me with recovery. I don't want to gain muscle, I just want to be able to train harder and longer. Because of hard training (and stress at work) my test drops and I figured that by this amount I could keep my levels slightly above my normal level or at least at the normal level. Giving the fact that an average male of my age produces only approx. 25-50mg/wk I thought that 100mg/wk made sense. It's also based on the amount that is given by trt/hrt clinics to people with low test levels (almost never more than 250mg/wk if my information is correct). Here is someone with a sort of similar opinion: forum.cyclingnews.com/showthread.php?t=5293
This week and next I'm training like crazy (about 20hrs with 5 days cycling every morning and evening, strength training 4 days in the afternoon and 2 long high intensity rides in the weekend) and I'm testing my T level at the end of next week and I hope that I'm around 1000ng/l then.

But, please, correct me if I'm wrong. I'm new to this thing and I would love to learn.
I understand what you're saying john but what are you expecting to gain from this ? I understand the idea of faster/easier recovery being nice but remember that with introducing AAS into your system you are shutting down your natural test production. REGARDLESS of the amount you introduce, whether it be 100mg or 500mg it's not the amount you are on, it's the amount of time that you are on. The sex drive thing is also nice but just remember that AAS can also have an adverse effect on your libido as well. Some guys will experience loss in sexual interest within weeks, others never do at all, it's a roll of the dice. It sounds like you are a big cardio/endurance guy so I can understand you not wanting to to gain too much mass. Remember that after your cycle is complete though there will be a period of time where your body will begin to lose any gains that you've made during your cycle along with loss of energy and libido as well (99% of the time). I'd still advise at least using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to help stimulate your boys to help ease you're testes. Why is your "recovery" so crucial for these next 14 weeks ? Are you just training harder than normal or competing ? Or is it just for shits and gigs, if so I'd consider bumping your text up to at least 300-400mg a week. You're shutting down your system anyways, you might as well see some gains from it. Keep in mind that with a proper diet and training you could see some great dry gains ! Either way GL, just my .02.
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Thanks for the input! I'll think about upping my dose. I have been training hard (with a very proper diet) for over 15 years and this is indeed more for "shits and gigs" :-)
Your gains at this "TRT dose" will be minimal at absolute best...if any at all. If I were you I'd up the dose to 400-500mg/week to at least get your money's worth. Your diet will play the biggest role in gains achieved.
Ok, thanks for all the input guys! I'm going to look at my diet again and I'm thinking about upping the dose (or perhaps quitting completely with the AAS). I'm also thinking about adding Equipoise (mainly to strengthen my ligaments). Would that make sense?

About my progress, I just had a personal record on a 5 minute max power interval on my bike (442W for the insiders) and I feel I can train more and I sleep better, but perhaps it is a placebo.
Yeah these guys are right, 100mg is less than most take for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). For many, they're test levels would be lower on this than when they were natty.
Y are u concerned w the test being placebo? Don't trust ur source? If not, probably shouldn't take it at all. Most people don't tr y aas for shiots n grins...usually gyros causes shiots and weed causes grins (dont recomment u try/do either)
Hey guys, just to let you know; I stopped with my current cycle. The reactions here and reactions from my training buddies make me doubt my approach a bit. I'll inform myself a bit better first. About the 'shits and grins', I think everyone (except perhaps professional athletes) take AAS for that reason. Looking better, feeling stronger, going faster, etc. It's all the same to me.

Thanks for the feedback and have fun! I'll be hanging around and maybe post something sensible in the future :-)