Test C and deca homebrew.


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Kinda worried that im going to fuck something up and not do it right but I will be following on basskilller on how to make test C at 250mgs/ml
and deca at 200mgs/ml I will have 10grams of test C and 10grams of Deca. How hot does the water need to be to melt The test C and The Deca?
Does it need to be where it is boiling or what? Should i put a pan on the stove and fill it with some water and put the beaker in it and let the test c melt? that how you melt the poweder right? Im sorry with all the questions im just new with this brewing stuff and have also wanted to give it a try.
1. Deca

- Deca's melting point is 30-35 C / 95 F
- Boiling water is about 100 C / 212 F, so it should melt the Deca
- you can place your Deca solution in a jar with a cap on it (to prevent water getting into the oil), place the jar in the boiling water, and it should be hot enough to melt the Deca.

2. Test Cypionate

- Test C's melting point is 98-102 C, so the boiling water should be able to melt it as well. It might take a bit longer than the Deca.
1. Deca

- Deca's melting point is 30-35 C / 95 F
- Boiling water is about 100 C / 212 F, so it should melt the Deca
- you can place your Deca solution in a jar with a cap on it (to prevent water getting into the oil), place the jar in the boiling water, and it should be hot enough to melt the Deca.

2. Test Cypionate

- Test C's melting point is 98-102 C, so the boiling water should be able to melt it as well. It might take a bit longer than the Deca.

The water wont be able to get in a 400ml beaker will it? Because that is what i will be using if so i will use a jar like you said. Can the boiling water be to hot? like say if its to hot will it ruin the powder?
It's highly unlikely you'll ruin the powder because the water is too hot. For small batches I use a jam jar and bring the water up to a boil. The water level is higher than the level of the hormone in the jam jar. Using a hot pad I put the jar into the boiling water for a few seconds then remove it and gently swirl it around or use a stirring rod. Do that 7-12 times (may be more or less for you, just do it until the liquid is uniform) and your powder should be completely dissolved and ready to filter. Even when the solution looks clear I do one more just for good measure.
It's highly unlikely you'll ruin the powder because the water is too hot. For small batches I use a jam jar and bring the water up to a boil. The water level is higher than the level of the hormone in the jam jar. Using a hot pad I put the jar into the boiling water for a few seconds then remove it and gently swirl it around or use a stirring rod. Do that 7-12 times (may be more or less for you, just do it until the liquid is uniform) and your powder should be completely dissolved and ready to filter. Even when the solution looks clear I do one more just for good measure.

Okay so the jam jar wont crack or break bc of the heat right? lol I dont have a hot pad. I will be fine putting the jam jar inside of a pan of water and doing it on the kitchen stove right? Pretty much the same thing?
Yep I don't think you could overheat the glass even if you tried. You're only putting the jam jar in there for 5-10 seconds at a time. I usually take the pot of water off the heating element just to be safe but you should be fine if you keep it at a low rolling boil. But yup you should be good, I've done it the exact way you described with no problems at all.

Just don't over think it man, brewing is pretty damn easy.
Yep I don't think you could overheat the glass even if you tried. You're only putting the jam jar in there for 5-10 seconds at a time. I usually take the pot of water off the heating element just to be safe but you should be fine if you keep it at a low rolling boil. But yup you should be good, I've done it the exact way you described with no problems at all.

Just don't over think it man, brewing is pretty damn easy.

It does seem pretty damn easy. Lol just kinda nervous im going to fuck something up. So the powder will only take 5-10 seconds to melt and then you just take it off stove start to filter it?
No I think you misread my post lol. You put the jar in the water for 5-10 seconds then take it out and it will melt a little bit. You repeat this a couple (7-12) of times until the powder is completely melted. It will take about 8 minutes or so. It melts a little more after each time (Im assuming you're mixing your BB, BA, powder, and carrier oil in the same jar, which I would recommend as its easiest)
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Yes im going to put the BB and BA in the jar first and then add the powder. okay So is this what your saying? Put the jar in the water for 5-10 seconds and then take it out and stir it and then put it back in the water for 5-10 secs and then take it out and stir it and Keep doing that till its melted? Im sorry if i sound like a dumbass im just new at this homebrewing stuff.
Does this look okay for BA and BB and grape seed oil??

Ba .80mls
BB 7.20ml

25.50ml grape seed oil
Yes im going to put the BB and BA in the jar first and then add the powder. okay So is this what your saying? Put the jar in the water for 5-10 seconds and then take it out and stir it and then put it back in the water for 5-10 secs and then take it out and stir it and Keep doing that till its melted? Im sorry if i sound like a dumbass im just new at this homebrewing stuff.

Hah its all good man I was the same way when I did my first brew but yep that's exactly it.

The BA/BB/Oil ratio looks g2g too for 10g
Does this look okay for BA and BB and grape seed oil??

Ba .80mls
BB 7.20ml

25.50ml grape seed oil

I keep hearing guys say to use BA 2% which is 2ml right? and BB 20% BB which is 20ml right? But i have less than 2% of BA i only have .80mls. and only 7.20ml of BB above. I have a lot of BA and BB oil stocked up though. Which one should i go with the Ba .80ml and BB 7.20ml and 25.50ml or go with Ba 2%=2ml and BB 20% BB=20ml?
I keep hearing guys say to use BA 2% which is 2ml right? and BB 20% BB which is 20ml right? But i have less than 2% of BA i only have .80mls. and only 7.20ml of BB above.

The ml of BA or BB depends on the total ml of your brew.

This is how you do the math calculation:

=> 2 divide 100
=> 0.02

So if your brew is 100ml, then 2% is
=> 0.02 x 100ml
=> 2ml

But if your brew is 40ml, then 2% is
=> 0.02 x 40ml
=> 0.8ml
You do the same calculation for 20%:

=> 20 divide 100
=> 0.2

So if your brew is 100ml, then 20% is
=> 0.2 x 100ml
=> 20ml

But if your brew is 40ml, then 20% is
=> 0.2 x 40ml
=> 8ml
THANK YOU! This just cleared everything up for me. Im looking for a steroid calculator. I know basskiller has one but their website is not working right now and i have no idea why it isnt. Im not confused anymore about the Ba and BB anymore.

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