test cyp, dbol, and arimidex cycle?

Lol. Back from the dead :) Wish this guy wouldve stuck around.

Yo santa.....I debated with you on another thread about compounds and the amount of the work they do for us. I love being on and love all the help I can get but I don't receive quite the benefit that you seem to have faith in. I am very much experimenting right now trying to find out what's best for me. So to get to the point.....please hit me up with the combo of compounds that'll put size on me man. I'm very slowly making progress and would very much like to make some huge gains. I won't get back into diet right now but I will say that I have only really cycled with test. (400 - 700mg)
Next I will likely add dbol. Hit me up if you find a magic combo that I might should try. Thanks and best wishes.
Lol. Back from the dead :) Wish this guy wouldve stuck around.

Yo santa.....I debated with you on another thread about compounds and the amount of the work they do for us. I love being on and love all the help I can get but I don't receive quite the benefit that you seem to have faith in. I am very much experimenting right now trying to find out what's best for me. So to get to the point.....please hit me up with the combo of compounds that'll put size on me man. I'm very slowly making progress and would very much like to make some huge gains. I won't get back into diet right now but I will say that I have only really cycled with test. (400 - 700mg)
Next I will likely add dbol. Hit me up if you find a magic combo that I might should try. Thanks and best wishes.

First of all. I'm just a rookie, and mostly repeating what I've heard others say, trying to validate my own knowledge bank so to speak.

Maybe I just respond well to test and/or compounds in general because I can see myself grow in real time and also shedding fat. And this is with horrible diet.
Speaking of diet... I've lived on 1-3 meals for years, my body is accustomed to it. Sometimes I just have one big meal for the whole day and some snacks in between.
So when I make an effort with diet, any improvement is huge for me and I guess my body rewards me accordingly.
I'm also a big sweet tooth(pothead side of me) so when I stop eating/drinking sugary stuff, it makes a huge difference for me as oppose to cutting actual carbs/fat from food so to speak.

With that said...lets wait and see how I look once my cycle is ended lol...

I've been pinning test prop for almost a week now and "sadly" I have no where near the feelings I had on the test/tren/mast stack.
For this reason, i've order a couple vials of masteron, since I already have tren at home. Not sure if i'll use it yet but that stack was amazing, for me. Wish I had some pictures before my first cycle.

I would love to help you and recommend compounds but honestly, I dont have the experience and it would be out of my place todo so. At least publicly here, we could talk in PM's instead ? :)

Anyhow, my cycle is gonna be test prop, var, tren and optionally masteron.
It was supposed to be dbol but my supplier gave me var instead lol...
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Horrible at best.
I've hired 3J but im in the middle of legal hassle regarding old/new apartment buying/selling, so im technically homeless right now lol... Which means I cant follow or do what he says :(
Dont have a kitchen and im forced to eat out for pretty much every meal. Most times I'll buy different meal preps, lunch boxes etc and eat that.
Hardest part is appetite for me right now.
are you having issues with your appetite in not having much of it because of eating out so much? what are you doing to get it back on track?