Hey there I just got my new cycle. I had originally planned on 500mg of test cyp a week for 12 weeks, 250 mg of deca a week for 10 weeks, and 35mg a day of dbol for about 5-6 weeks. I got my cycle in and it appears I also bought some proviron. I've read abit about it. I know it reduces water retention, combats gyno, frees up the un used test, and makes you hard as a rock. I'm uncertain about one thing though. Where should I throw it in during my cycle and for how many weeks? I was thinking maybe the last 6 weeks after I stop the dbol but I really don't know what's best. Also how much should I take per day? I like the sounds of the proviron just not sure how to incorporate it into my cycle. Thanks alot any input on this is appreciated!