Test E 250/ Anavar cycle. Need some insight and advice on this cycle.


New member
Hey guys,

Alright so here's the deal.. I was in the marine corps infantry for four years so I've been around roids for a little while. I've been lifting weights for about 5 years seriously and have been bodybuilding for about 2 yrs. I've run 3 cycles of Test E, first one was a few years back. I've only used enanthate 250, used to buy from a guy in the navy selling to a bunch of marines. First cycle was really small doing 2cc every 5 days for 8 weeks, gains were alright but not near satisfied. Proper PCT with Nolva. about 7 months later I ran a bigger cycle I was 3cc (750 mg) every 5 days and saw tremendous gains in size and strength. My cycle was purely bulking and ran that for 12 weeks. weeks 13-16 I began to taper off down to 1cc waited 2 weeks then started PCT with nolva. I put on 18lbs in that cycle and was only at 12%bf. I've also tried some of the rip off PH like Super DMZ and just felt like I was wasting my money. Anyways...

My third cycle was about 10 months ago, I was doing test e 250 shooting 2cc every 5 days for 12 weeks then started my PCT. I've always done a thorough amount of research with minimal sides and never had any issues whatsoever. The most I had was really high blood pressure when i was on 750mg for 12 weeks. The Navy corpsman thought I had hypertension, however following my pct my BP and everything went back to normal.

bottom line is it is about that time to start up another cycle, although this time I want to mix it up a little. I've been told and read that test E works really well stacked with Anavar so I think I'm going to give it a go. Here is the cycle I am planning..suggestions/tips/recommendations please?

**WEEKS 1-8**

-Test E 500mg/week(1cc every 3 days)
-Anavar 60mg ED(30 mg in morning, 30 in evening)

**WEEKS 9-12**

-Test E 500mg/week(1cc every 3 days)

**WEEKS 15-18 PCT**

-2cc of Tamox for 2 weeks ED
-1cc of Tamox for 1 week ED
-.5cc of Tamox for 1 week ED
You are doing a lot of things wrong and/or unconventionally. Here are some observations:

-You didn't do what you called a "proper" PCT. You only ran Nolva. PCT needs to be Nolva and Clomid. Can you list youe PCT in milligrams. CC doesn't tell us much as different brands come in different concentrations.

- You never used an Aromatase Inhibitor despite really high testosterone dosages. This is a recipe for disaster with Estrogen. Are you familiar with the Aromatase Enzyme?

- You didn't use hCG during your cycle.

- Moat guys pin Enanthate twice a week - not every 5 days. This reduces injection volume and helps keep Hormone levels more balanced.

- You never ran blood work for pre, mid or post cycle.

- There is no need to taper at the end of a cycle. The ester does that for you.

- You are not running any ancillaries to support your liver while using Anavar. Oral steroids are liver toxic. You need NAC a d Liv.52. Both are sold over the counter.

Look at the bottom of this post for my signature. There are link for how to get blood work and a link to a thread that answers FAQs. Please read these to help improve your understanding of how to run AAS.

Also, what does your diet look like on cycle?

Can you tell us your age, height, weight and body fat %?
Age: 24, Wt: 172 BF%:11.5

Diet is clean without getting into detail basically baked chicken, Tilapia, steak, rice, Veggies, sweet potatoes, Greek yogurt, fruit, peanut butter, oatmeal and water. Simple and basic occasionally twice a week I'll
Do a burrito bowl with black beans, rice, tomatoes, chicken, guacamole.

Reason I never took clomid was I had a buddy tell me he took clomid and nolva on his pct and he said he felt like it was an overkill for him. I always seemed fine with just nolva never had any issues.

What adjustments would you recommend to the cycle? Also I will incorporate blood tests, I know it's stupid I didn't before but It's smart to do it.
I think I gave you a lot of feedback in the first post on what to do and things to think about. I gave you a link to read too. I can't do all the heavy lifting for you. :-)

Milk Thistle is worthless. Does nothing

PCT should be Clomid and Nolva together. It works better that way. Why risk it based on one buddy's comment?
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Also, you should wait until you are 25 years of before cycling again. Your endocrine system is still developing. You are causing long-term damage to your HPTA and TT levels.
I did some research on liv52. Most people say take it prior to your cycle for like 2 weeks every day and then take it during your pct. I'll probably take it with nolva and Bulgarian tribulus for a month for my pct. most people say that you don't need nolva and clomid. One should do fine and as far as hcg goes, I've read that you shouldn't need to take it unless your pct isn't going well. I've taken up to 750mg of test E using tribulus, nolva and a liver cleanser for my pct and never had any issues whatsoever.
I did some research on liv52. Most people say take it prior to your cycle for like 2 weeks every day and then take it during your pct. I'll probably take it with nolva and Bulgarian tribulus for a month for my pct. most people say that you don't need nolva and clomid. One should do fine and as far as hcg goes, I've read that you shouldn't need to take it unless your pct isn't going well. I've taken up to 750mg of test E using tribulus, nolva and a liver cleanser for my pct and never had any issues whatsoever.

Not sure who these "most people" are. I think you are talking to the wrong people.
I did some research on liv52. Most people say take it prior to your cycle for like 2 weeks every day and then take it during your pct. I'll probably take it with nolva and Bulgarian tribulus for a month for my pct. most people say that you don't need nolva and clomid. One should do fine and as far as hcg goes, I've read that you shouldn't need to take it unless your pct isn't going well. I've taken up to 750mg of test E using tribulus, nolva and a liver cleanser for my pct and never had any issues whatsoever.

What research did you do to come up with that??

Megas given you great advice.. PCT is the most important part of a cycle and yours is truly terrible.
I did some research on liv52. Most people say take it prior to your cycle for like 2 weeks every day and then take it during your pct. I'll probably take it with nolva and Bulgarian tribulus for a month for my pct. most people say that you don't need nolva and clomid. One should do fine and as far as hcg goes, I've read that you shouldn't need to take it unless your pct isn't going well. I've taken up to 750mg of test E using tribulus, nolva and a liver cleanser for my pct and never had any issues whatsoever.

You are to the steroid world that a witch doctor is to western medicine.
Megatron thanks for the info,

As far as my pinning goes, Instead of pinning once every 5 days I'll pin 250mg every 3 days. So for my PCT I need to add clomid, NAC and Liv 52. And keep my dosage for tamoxifen? What dosage should I do for clomid and NAC and how should I structure that to run a smarter PCT?

Also, this is what I found for dosing of nolva and clomid. What do you think?

Day 1: Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days: - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days: - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

And if you reccomend HCG as well, how would I dose that?
Megatron thanks for the info,

As far as my pinning goes, Instead of pinning once every 5 days I'll pin 250mg every 3 days. So for my PCT I need to add clomid, NAC and Liv 52. And keep my dosage for tamoxifen? What dosage should I do for clomid and NAC and how should I structure that to run a smarter PCT?



NAC and Liv.52 are used during your cycle and through PCT. They protect your liver from the AAS.

Dosages are covered in that link I gave you. Have you read that yet? See my signature below for the FAQs link again.
Also, this is what I found for dosing of nolva and clomid. What do you think?

Day 1: Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days: - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days: - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

And if you reccomend HCG as well, how would I dose that?

Too much Clomid.

hCG is 250iu wice a week during your cycle. Not used during PCT. Stop hCG three days before PCT starts as it is HPTA suppressive