Hey guys,
Alright so here's the deal.. I was in the marine corps infantry for four years so I've been around roids for a little while. I've been lifting weights for about 5 years seriously and have been bodybuilding for about 2 yrs. I've run 3 cycles of Test E, first one was a few years back. I've only used enanthate 250, used to buy from a guy in the navy selling to a bunch of marines. First cycle was really small doing 2cc every 5 days for 8 weeks, gains were alright but not near satisfied. Proper PCT with Nolva. about 7 months later I ran a bigger cycle I was 3cc (750 mg) every 5 days and saw tremendous gains in size and strength. My cycle was purely bulking and ran that for 12 weeks. weeks 13-16 I began to taper off down to 1cc waited 2 weeks then started PCT with nolva. I put on 18lbs in that cycle and was only at 12%bf. I've also tried some of the rip off PH like Super DMZ and just felt like I was wasting my money. Anyways...
My third cycle was about 10 months ago, I was doing test e 250 shooting 2cc every 5 days for 12 weeks then started my PCT. I've always done a thorough amount of research with minimal sides and never had any issues whatsoever. The most I had was really high blood pressure when i was on 750mg for 12 weeks. The Navy corpsman thought I had hypertension, however following my pct my BP and everything went back to normal.
bottom line is it is about that time to start up another cycle, although this time I want to mix it up a little. I've been told and read that test E works really well stacked with Anavar so I think I'm going to give it a go. Here is the cycle I am planning..suggestions/tips/recommendations please?
**WEEKS 1-8**
-Test E 500mg/week(1cc every 3 days)
-Anavar 60mg ED(30 mg in morning, 30 in evening)
**WEEKS 9-12**
-Test E 500mg/week(1cc every 3 days)
**WEEKS 15-18 PCT**
-2cc of Tamox for 2 weeks ED
-1cc of Tamox for 1 week ED
-.5cc of Tamox for 1 week ED
Alright so here's the deal.. I was in the marine corps infantry for four years so I've been around roids for a little while. I've been lifting weights for about 5 years seriously and have been bodybuilding for about 2 yrs. I've run 3 cycles of Test E, first one was a few years back. I've only used enanthate 250, used to buy from a guy in the navy selling to a bunch of marines. First cycle was really small doing 2cc every 5 days for 8 weeks, gains were alright but not near satisfied. Proper PCT with Nolva. about 7 months later I ran a bigger cycle I was 3cc (750 mg) every 5 days and saw tremendous gains in size and strength. My cycle was purely bulking and ran that for 12 weeks. weeks 13-16 I began to taper off down to 1cc waited 2 weeks then started PCT with nolva. I put on 18lbs in that cycle and was only at 12%bf. I've also tried some of the rip off PH like Super DMZ and just felt like I was wasting my money. Anyways...
My third cycle was about 10 months ago, I was doing test e 250 shooting 2cc every 5 days for 12 weeks then started my PCT. I've always done a thorough amount of research with minimal sides and never had any issues whatsoever. The most I had was really high blood pressure when i was on 750mg for 12 weeks. The Navy corpsman thought I had hypertension, however following my pct my BP and everything went back to normal.
bottom line is it is about that time to start up another cycle, although this time I want to mix it up a little. I've been told and read that test E works really well stacked with Anavar so I think I'm going to give it a go. Here is the cycle I am planning..suggestions/tips/recommendations please?
**WEEKS 1-8**
-Test E 500mg/week(1cc every 3 days)
-Anavar 60mg ED(30 mg in morning, 30 in evening)
**WEEKS 9-12**
-Test E 500mg/week(1cc every 3 days)
**WEEKS 15-18 PCT**
-2cc of Tamox for 2 weeks ED
-1cc of Tamox for 1 week ED
-.5cc of Tamox for 1 week ED