Test E and Anavar (var) cycle


New member
Test E and Var cycle

Hey all,

This is my first cycle that involves injecting and I must admit i am very excited. I figured I would post my stat's (present, and the stats during/after the cycle) in this forum as well as my cycle stats.

194 pounds
kinda low bf(18-22%...jk probly around 12 or 13)
Been lifting on/off for 4 years
Age: 20

Experience with Steroids:
Last June I tried a pretty low dosage cycle of Anavar(20mg/ED) for 7 weeks. I got ok to expected gains for that low dosage of a cycle, as well as time frame was kind of short.

Current Cycle:
Week 1-10 Test Enathate 500mg (250mg monday/thursday)
Week 3-10 Anavar 40mg ED

PCT consists of waiting a week after the last injection and then using Nolvadex at 40mg ED for the first two weeks, and then bump it down to 20 mg for the last two weeks(40,40,20,20).

I will have on hand some Armidex in case of any sides of gyno appear. However I am considering taking .5mg E3D to keep bloating down with the test enathate(as well as to obviously prevent gyno), I would love to hear your opinion on this.

I made this forum a little late, as it has already been a week into my first cycle. I have yet to take any armidex yet because i wanted to hear all your opinions on taking it with my cycle, and it has been to early for side effects or noticeable gains IMO. The first two injections(outer thigh) have been excellent, and pain free(as well as the days after the injection). It almost feels like i did not even inject anything because it feels so normal, this worries me a little bit.

Any information or suggestions would be very helpful and appreciated. As always I would love to hear from people with experience.

- Laserjetx
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I forgot to mention my diet is pretty clean, I do not eat any fast foods or things that i would consider unhealthy. I eat around 6 meals a day and work out 6 days of the week. I can post up my Workout schedule if it is requested.