Test E and Aromasin cycle! Questions.


New member
Okay so i'm on TRT and plan on running my first cycle here in a few weeks.

I just ordered 12 weeks of extra Test E and 2 orders of Aromasin (My cycle will be 500mg test e for 12 weeks)

My question is dosing the Aromasin. The source I bought from is reputable and they say 20mg a day (each tab is 20mg)

So is it that simple? one tab a day from the start of the cycle until the end of the cycle? Remember i'm on TRT so I don't require PCT so i'm pretty sure there wouldn't be much of a need of continuing Aromasin after my cycle has ended?

(please don't tell me that I need to research more before I start my cycle.. That is exactly what i'm doing right now and I will NOT start my cycle until 100% confident) :afro:
hahaha yeah that simple... first off i would always recommend pharma ancilaries and they never come 20mg, always 25mg. but it could be good stuff still. secondly, its not that simple. you may crash your estro the first week, so you have to pay atention to the sides.