Test e and tren ace vs test p and tren ace


New member
Hi guys
I need some expert advice. I'm sick of so much bro science and there's way too much of it out there. After research and advice from other ppl I decided to buy tren ace and test e...
A friend who had no side effects and cycled on the cautious and safe side told me to do this cycle
(Test e weeks 1-10 @500mg a week)
(Tren ace weeks 2or 3-10@50 mg eod)
I have high liver enzymes normally (70-150s) and they have run every test imaginable to try and figure out why. My father has them as well. Nothing negative has come back from any of the tests and our livers seem to look perfectly fine. I also have naturally low t... 223 last time I got checked whoch is really low for a 23 year old...
So after all of that

I wanted to do a clean lean bulk cycle
And I'm getting mixed advice on which test ester to take. A good cycle is one that you have to run for the least amount of time @the minuimum dosage needed with minimal sides and good quality gains. Most guys seem to just want to go big or go home when it comes o dosage. That is absurd. Could some veteran experienced members give their input about test p vs test e stacked with tren ace? Getting a cycle that you guys recommend that is safe and effective would b awesome!

Also this is my 3rd cycle. I ran prop and mast for 10weeks and it was solid I gained 10 lbs but bloated a ton and wasn't sure why.

Here is the proposed test e and tren ace cycle I was gonna do...
Tren ace: 20 ml(50mg eod)
Test e: 20 ml (250mg 2x week)
Clomid: 30 days
Nolvadex: 30 days?
Arimidex: 1 eod for whole cycle
So you have never run a cycle before ans you are already pulling out the Tren? That's a huge No-no. As is running AAS before age 25 as your HPTA is still developing. Want to be at your current hypogonadal testosterone levels for the rest of your life and start TRT?

You should read the Ology FAQs thread. Read the link in there about TRT for sure too.

And see a doctor about your hypogonadism. You need to fix your HPTA -- not run a cycle and make it worse.

By the way, here is more info on Tren.

Also this is my 3rd cycle. I ran prop and mast for 10weeks and it was solid I gained 10 lbs but bloated a ton and wasn't sure why.

Here is the proposed test e and tren ace cycle I was gonna do...

Well now. I guess we know why you are Hypogonadal! Three cycles before age 23? WTF?