Test E cycle(Need a little guidance/suggestions)


New member
So I am going to run a slightly lower dosed Test E cycle just because I dont want to go overkill.
Anyways cycle is as follows:

Test E-400Mg a week (200, 200)
HCG starting week 3 or 4 at 500 IU a week up until last injection. Day after last injection will do HCG blast at 500iu a day for 10 days until post cycle therapy (pct) is started.

Here is where I need help with . Adex or Proviron? I will definitely run one or the other just trying to decide which is ideal as proviron is more expensive, and more effective for combating estrogen problems

Pct will be:
Clomid- 75/50/50/25
Nolva- 40/40/20/20

Any suggestions or feed back would be great!

Edit: Stats- age 22, weight 195, height 6' bf%22
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Your cycle looks good. I would keep it standard though. Run a 500mg cycle. 250 twice a week. Also make sure you got your diet in check...As far as your anti E2. I would suggest aromasin at .5ml ED and adjust if needed. As always get bloods done before cycle then 5 to 6 weeks in get them done again. post cycle therapy (pct) looks good but your doses are little off . Your HCG LOOKS GOOD but the others are as follows..comid@ 75/30/30/30 nolva@ 40/20/20/20 nice to see you done research before you posted, only thing missing is stats.. post them up!. Good luck.
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Preciate it bro I will adjust the post cycle therapy (pct) as you suggested. Only question I have is about the aromasin... Not a problem but just curious as to why thats better?
Not that its better, more of a prefrence. Aromasin is a "suicidal" inhibitor. It completly labels E2 in active completly stoping high levels of test to convert to estro. Adex is opposite, it will deactivate estro but not permanently so dosing it can be a little more tricky.. Aromasin is easier to work with. Just my 02
I see I see.. Def gonna order some liquid aromasin cheap and heard good stuff. thanks for the input. Btw you think ten days after last injection is the right time to start hcg blast?
Preciate it bro I will adjust the post cycle therapy (pct) as you suggested. Only question I have is about the aromasin... Not a problem but just curious as to why thats better?
Easy. Proviron is another anabolic/androgenic steroid, aromasin is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). Just because proviron binds with higher affinity to the receptor over estrogen, doesn't mean it's going to prevent your aromatase enzymes from shitting estradiol into your system. Be aware though, aromasin is easily the most underutilized Aromatase inhibitor (AI) out there. Most guys don't take nearly enough, and blame the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) for problems as they just simply had to up the dose.

If you do plan on running Aromasin, do yourself a favor and get a private blood test mid-cycle to verify you're using enough. It needs to be dosed ED, and is best taken with a fatty meal (thanks Jimi) for optimal absorption. Most start at 12.5mg ED, but I am starting to think that it should start at 25mg ED. As you're carrying some body fat, you'll probably have to go even higher as belly fat is where those pesky aromatase enzymes like to call home. Arimidex will likely be a cheaper solution for you. ;)

My .02c :)