test e, dbol and nolvadex while on cycle


New member
Hey guys I have a quick question. My friend is gonna take test e and dbol with adex and nolvadex. I think he's gonna take the nolvadex together with the dbol but I heard that's bad. I told him to just run the test but he gots his mind up. I told him I'm running test e and its going great. What I would like to know is, is he going to fuck up the dbol with the nolvadex by running it at the same time?
Tell him to save the nolvadex for pct... He's running arimidex as an AI and that's all he will need with a test Dbol cycle,,,
plus nolvadex causes the liver to accelerate processing the AI and will limit it's effectiveness (I.e., the effectiveness of his arimidex will be limited)
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I always run n olva on cycle to prevent gyno flare up. AI just doesnt seem to do it for me. What Roush said does hold some weight, but for me..its necessary
Hey Roush for his pct he's gonna run nolvadex at 40/40/20/20. What I'm trying to ask is would the nolvadex mess with his dbol. Btw he's taking 50mg of dbol ed
If he is gonna run the nolvadex any way,, he may be better off running aromasin as his AI instead of arimidex ..
The drug interaction is between nolvadex and arimidex
Not nolvadex and Dbol
If he is taking an AI, then he can just keep the nolva handy in case of gyno flare up.
If he's not taking an AI then I would use the nolva.
He also wants to know what's the kick in time for dbol at 50mg ed. He trains 7 days a week and goes for 2-3 hours a day.
Half life of Dbol is around 5 hours.. It starts working right away. Prob a good 10 days is all to start notice benefits, strength up, body weight up, swole up
Why would he need it on one cycle and not need it on this cycle... ALL cycles shut down your balls therefor ALL cycles should include hcg