Test-e/Dbol/Winny Cycle


Full of life
Test enanthate 500 mg 2 inj. a week for 10 weeks
and 50 mg of dbol for the first 4 weeks
Winny for the last 4 weeks 75 mg EOD

will be running aromasin 12.5 (or 25) mg everyday for 6 weeks

and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the last 3 weeks of my cycle

PCT will be Nolva 40/40/20/20 (i have letrozol on hand) (thinking if i should add a little bit of clomid?)

my first real cycle was a prohormone kinda guy before but its for pussies, i'm 24 y/o 6'0, 175 lb. (i have really long legs) 9% bf, and i do track and basketball for college