New member
Hello Steroidology,
This is my first post, first off I want to thank all the professional members of this forum that contribute. I have learned a lot from this website and I feel it is now my time to contribute in some way. First things first, let us get the basics out of the way.
23 years old
Lifting since 16, bodybuilding since 20.
190 pounds, 15% body fat, this will be my second cycle.
First cycle: Weeks 1-15, Test E 500mg week. Weeks 1-4, Dbol 50 mg every day.
My plan now: Weeks 1-18 Test E 600mg a week, Weeks 1-12 Deca Durabolin 350 mg week, Weeks 1-5 Abombs 50mg a day and may increase to 100mg a day depending on sides.
PCT: 2 weeks after last shot, 50mg a day of both Nolva and Clomid for 4 weeks.
Vitamins: Multi Vitamin, Glutamine, Fish oil, COq 10, Hair Skin and Nails supplement, as well as Super Test by Beast. Avoiding getting liver support and will instead be staying very hydrated to filter my liver. ( I heard milk thistle and other liver support will not help at all.)
Concerns: I am mostly concerned about the Deca. I reacted very well to Dbol so the Abombs do not intimidate me. Everyone I have spoken to has had some kind of Libido issues and erectile dysfunction while running Deca. I know if I keep my prolactin in check I possibly could avoid this. I have heard that keeping Test level well above the Deca levels it could possible avoid this. Although they are decent points, it is still not concrete. I want to avoid this at all costs, I am considering even dropping the Deca and running just Test and Anadrol. Although I would want to try Deca, I am not opposed to dropping it because I know I can grow like the hulk with the test and drol.
Your thoughts?
Thank you
This is my first post, first off I want to thank all the professional members of this forum that contribute. I have learned a lot from this website and I feel it is now my time to contribute in some way. First things first, let us get the basics out of the way.
23 years old
Lifting since 16, bodybuilding since 20.
190 pounds, 15% body fat, this will be my second cycle.
First cycle: Weeks 1-15, Test E 500mg week. Weeks 1-4, Dbol 50 mg every day.
My plan now: Weeks 1-18 Test E 600mg a week, Weeks 1-12 Deca Durabolin 350 mg week, Weeks 1-5 Abombs 50mg a day and may increase to 100mg a day depending on sides.
PCT: 2 weeks after last shot, 50mg a day of both Nolva and Clomid for 4 weeks.
Vitamins: Multi Vitamin, Glutamine, Fish oil, COq 10, Hair Skin and Nails supplement, as well as Super Test by Beast. Avoiding getting liver support and will instead be staying very hydrated to filter my liver. ( I heard milk thistle and other liver support will not help at all.)
Concerns: I am mostly concerned about the Deca. I reacted very well to Dbol so the Abombs do not intimidate me. Everyone I have spoken to has had some kind of Libido issues and erectile dysfunction while running Deca. I know if I keep my prolactin in check I possibly could avoid this. I have heard that keeping Test level well above the Deca levels it could possible avoid this. Although they are decent points, it is still not concrete. I want to avoid this at all costs, I am considering even dropping the Deca and running just Test and Anadrol. Although I would want to try Deca, I am not opposed to dropping it because I know I can grow like the hulk with the test and drol.
Your thoughts?
Thank you