Test E, Deca, Anadrol Cycle Review


New member
Hello Steroidology,

This is my first post, first off I want to thank all the professional members of this forum that contribute. I have learned a lot from this website and I feel it is now my time to contribute in some way. First things first, let us get the basics out of the way.

23 years old
Lifting since 16, bodybuilding since 20.
190 pounds, 15% body fat, this will be my second cycle.
First cycle: Weeks 1-15, Test E 500mg week. Weeks 1-4, Dbol 50 mg every day.

My plan now: Weeks 1-18 Test E 600mg a week, Weeks 1-12 Deca Durabolin 350 mg week, Weeks 1-5 Abombs 50mg a day and may increase to 100mg a day depending on sides.

PCT: 2 weeks after last shot, 50mg a day of both Nolva and Clomid for 4 weeks.

Vitamins: Multi Vitamin, Glutamine, Fish oil, COq 10, Hair Skin and Nails supplement, as well as Super Test by Beast. Avoiding getting liver support and will instead be staying very hydrated to filter my liver. ( I heard milk thistle and other liver support will not help at all.)

Concerns: I am mostly concerned about the Deca. I reacted very well to Dbol so the Abombs do not intimidate me. Everyone I have spoken to has had some kind of Libido issues and erectile dysfunction while running Deca. I know if I keep my prolactin in check I possibly could avoid this. I have heard that keeping Test level well above the Deca levels it could possible avoid this. Although they are decent points, it is still not concrete. I want to avoid this at all costs, I am considering even dropping the Deca and running just Test and Anadrol. Although I would want to try Deca, I am not opposed to dropping it because I know I can grow like the hulk with the test and drol.

Your thoughts?

Thank you
Control the estradiol and the prolactin will be easier to control. I'd have some prami on hand just in case. Rui carries it. anytime I've run an oral, I take 1600 mg NAC for liver support. The oils affect the liver too, just not as much.
Hello Carverelli,

thanks for the reply. The Super Test by beast does have liver support in there. I do have milk thistle on hand and I will be getting blood once every 3-4 weeks. If my liver enzymes are on rise I will incorporate the milk thistle. My buddy convinced me I will not need an AI but to make sure my PCT is on point. What do you think of my doses? Thanks
Hello Carverelli,

thanks for the reply. The Super Test by beast does have liver support in there. I do have milk thistle on hand and I will be getting blood once every 3-4 weeks. If my liver enzymes are on rise I will incorporate the milk thistle. My buddy convinced me I will not need an AI but to make sure my PCT is on point. What do you think of my doses? Thanks

An AI is absolutely needed. Like Cav said you need to control your Estradol with a AI like adex or aromasin. This will help with your prolactin as well. I would have prami or caber on hand. Both of these are main cause of erectile dysfunction. The bloods will help with this.

Another word of advice... don't wait for problems to occur and then try to fix them. Go at them head on and try to prevent them. Get yourself some NAC. That stuff works great and anadrol is pretty toxic to the liver. Get that AI too.

Grab some HCG too while you are at it.
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I'm all for dropping the deca and running just test again, but I've never had any sides from it except elevated HCT. And I was using a lot for a while before that happened.

Get yourself enough adex to take .5 EOD for the duration before you start. You could wait until 6 weeks in and get bloods to see if you need it or just be conservative and start with .25 EOD from the get go.

NAC works and is well worth it for your liver. 1600 ED lowered my liver enzymes darastically twice now. Cheap insurance. Milk thistle is worthless IMO.
Who said I do not know what an AI is? I understand a lot of people need it but I am not prone to sides. I do not get gyno and I get blood work done on a 2-4 week basis and almost my levels were pretty much fine, a few elevated levels but nothing crazy. The only thing I am worried about is Erectile dysfunction and Libido loss. I appreciate the link.

Having said that, this is my second cycle, starting on my third I will begin to incorporate AI's for two reasons: Three cycles is a pretty decent amount of anabolics in my system, I am sure I will need to be more cautious, and second is because the more cycles I do the more anabolics I will use.
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Duc, thanks for the advice. Other then elevated HCT, were there any other negative sides you got from Deca? Is an AI absolutely mandatory to keeping a healthy libido? Thanks
No other sides for me, libido has always been strong.

I'm hesitant to answer the second question and probably not qualified to do so. I have always been told that maintaining healthy E levels is key to avoiding prolactin issues and so I watched my E levels and kept them around the high side of normal. I've always kept prami on hand but never felt the need to use it.

I suspect that prolactin is very personal (like AI dosage), so what worked for me is only what worked for me. Maybe someone who has experienced sides and worked it out can chime in.
No other sides for me, libido has always been strong.

I'm hesitant to answer the second question and probably not qualified to do so. I have always been told that maintaining healthy E levels is key to avoiding prolactin issues and so I watched my E levels and kept them around the high side of normal. I've always kept prami on hand but never felt the need to use it.

I suspect that prolactin is very personal (like AI dosage), so what worked for me is only what worked for me. Maybe someone who has experienced sides and worked it out can chime in.

I see. This makes this more optimistic for me because half the bros I talked to told me they had erectile issues and the other half told me they did not, most of them were around the same doses so I could relate. My last question Duc is what do your recommend as far as doses are concerned? This is my first run with Deca Durabolin I would like to know your thoughts on this. Thanks.
I really don't feel qualified to be giving advice on dosage...

I've been running 200 week deca with my TRT for a while. Upped it to 400 for one long blast. 200 really helps my joints and 400 started producing noticeable results after 10 weeks or so, even when running along side my 200 test cyp TRT. It takes a while to kick in so the longer you can run it the better IMO.
You should be running test for trt. You can't run dbol or deca it will get your test production down. That is what I was told for my dbol only cycles.

Lol, no. Lots of guys run 19-Nors along side TRT test dose. We are already shutdown, hence the TRT. Keep doing cycles with your wealth of knowledge and you will understand shut down.
Fair enough. You would have killed your natty test with that cycle and not replaced it with any other. Different situation with TRT as we don't have natty test and have to inject all of ours. Once shutdown you can't be more shut down, hope that makes sense.
Fair enough. You would have killed your natty test with that cycle and not replaced it with any other. Different situation with TRT as we don't have natty test and have to inject all of ours. Once shutdown you can't be more shut down, hope that makes sense.

No one agrees with that cretin. Nothing wrong with your cruise/trt regimen.
I really don't feel qualified to be giving advice on dosage...

I've been running 200 week deca with my TRT for a while. Upped it to 400 for one long blast. 200 really helps my joints and 400 started producing noticeable results after 10 weeks or so, even when running along side my 200 test cyp TRT. It takes a while to kick in so the longer you can run it the better IMO.

Thank you Duc for your guidance and info, I will follow up with you on how my cycle goes. I will stick with the Deca and I will be getting it shortly!
"most guys", I would say no one with even basic knowledge on anabolic steroids would agree with you.

actually youre mistaken.. 23 is a tad bit too young..

i asked you how tall you are to see how well you have built yourself up.. but you ignored that post