Test E/ Deca

Today's workout:
200 Warm up
6 x 50 (45 seconds for the 50, 2 minute rest)
800 (2:45), 800 (2:52), 400 (1:20), 400 (1:23), 400 (1:22), 400 (1:21), 200 x 6 (no times). Rest between for approx 3 minutes

Split Clean: 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3 180sec-240sec rest btwn

Rest 5 min

Tabata (20:10) alternating between squats and sit ups for a TOTAL of 8 rounds. You will end up doing 4 sets of each.
No cardio today as per program.
Warm up with dynamic movements, and power plate

Overhead Squat
10 x Bar (45)
5 x 105
5 x 105
5 x 115
3 x 125 (fail)
3 x 120
1 x 125

2 deadlifts on the top of the minute for 10 minutes @ 245

Glute ham developer sit ups
3 x 25
Ax choppers with cable machine
3 (each side) x 20 with 45

Cool down:
stretch, power plate.
So I completely realize that my workouts must look atrocious to some people. I realize that what I do won't make me massive. However, that really isn't my goal. I really only want to put on about 10 pounds of lean muscle in the end. That's really it, with that though I want the strength gains. I am definitely seeing them already which is nice. The fact is that my job requires me to one day carry a hundred pounds in the mountains and the next have to run 2 miles in the mountains with 20, or hike for multiple days. I am really about an all round program that will allow me to complete an ultra marathon, yet be able to clean my body weight plus. Just wanted to explain where I am coming from for anyone who is reading and saying I will never put on 20++ pounds with the way I workout.

Glad you explained that, it makes more sense now.
Today's workout:
Warm up 10 minutes jump rope

5 wall walks (start standing up back to the wall about 3 feet away. Lean back until hands come in contact with wall. Walk your way down as deep as you can. Reaching the floor is your ultimate goal. Walk back up the wall with out falling. That is 1 wall walk).

2 Peg board climbs

5 x bar
5 x 65
5 x 95
5 x 105
3 x 115
3 x 125
3 x 135
3 x 145
1 x 155
1 x 165
1 x 175 (PR)

4.35 mile run in 38 minutes. Nice and easy
Thursday workout:
Warm up
power plate, elliptical, pvc pipe snatch routine warm up

Flat bench
15 @ bar
10 @135
5 @ 155
3 @ 185
3 @205
3 @ 225
1 @ 225
1 @ 245 (pr)

push ups using gymnast rings and 40lb weight vest about 1 foot off the ground
3 x 10 (breaking the plain by 6 inches)
Ring dips
2 x 15 with 40 lb
2 x 6 w/ 80
1 x 2 w/ 120

2 x peg board climbs

15 sec on 1 min off using a climbers grip board utilizing various holds, angles, grips
8 total sets.

90 seconds on 90 seconds off road bike for 6 sets. on going about 90% off going about 50%
Friday workout
DL: 10 sets total
25 x 135
15 x 185
8 x 225
6 x 285
3 x 315
3 x 335
3 x 355
2 x 385
2 x 395 (fail on second)
1 x 405 (fail)

25 minutes core work using rings for planks, GHD situps, ax choppers, lateral wall throws
U into Voo-Doo or what?? Ur avatar is a little out there wouldn't U say!!
U into Voo-Doo or what?? Ur avatar is a little out there wouldn't U say!!

No just thought it was funny when someone emailed it to me.

Today's workout:
Barbel complex 6 of each (DL, clean, fr squat, snatch, bent over row, press) with 65lb, x 2 sets

3 rounds of hammer strength ground base. 12 total machines working press/pull, pushes, DL, shrugs. Did 20 on 15 off with heavy weight

3 rounds
5 tire flips (tractor tire)
5 jumps onto tire
10 sledge hammer hits (5 each side)

heavy bag carry on treadmill (hill setting, speed 2.5, incline 4 for 15 minutes
Alternating bag on each shoulder for 1 minute

Abs GHD situps, GHD russian twists with 15lb ball, knee to elbow, leg raises.

3 x 15 goblet box squats with 24 kg kettle bells and dynamax ball for box.
Yeah the workouts can be insane but it keeps me motivated the whole time. Plus there are usually 4 to 5 of us there so the competition helps a lot. After doing these types of workouts it tough to go back to conventional lifting. Really just due to the intensity.
The cycle is straight. I am up 12-15 lbs right now. My recovery is fast!!! Speed is up on running and of course strength. I am probably a little shy on my caloric intake but I am slowly upping it. I will say I have probably lost a few % points on BF as well. Beginning to see some veins on the surface in my stomach and arms. I am not a vascular person so it is kinda cool just the same. All and all I am extremely happy. Thanks for asking.
Thanks Biggin

I did about 8-9 mile jog today keeping my HR below 150. It puts me at around a 930-10 minute mile pace.

Actually had a comment from my GF this afternoon about how I looked like I have gotten bigger and lost some weight. Kinda just makes you feel good i guess.
Sorry I have been flaking out on posting but I will start back up now.
Today's workout:
Dynamic movement prep warm up

5 circuits with no rest between, each circuit was 8 minutes

#1 (2:20 at each station)
20m rope pull with 2 x 32# kettle bells attached. Pull to yourself and then sprint the rope 20 meters and repeat.
Peg bard ascends
Tire flips
I did 8 rope pulls in 2:20, 6 peg bard climbs, and 32 tire flips
32# KB hold. The KB can't touch ground for the whole 8 minutes and needs to be moving. (did turkish get ups, snatch, clean press, swings, figure 8, and around the worlds)
Concept 2 rower, 1 minute on, one minute off
Burpee pullup combo followed by air squats
2-4-6-8-10 (burpee pullups) with 8-16-25-32-40 squats
#5 Sled pull sprints with 45# plate
200m, 150m, 100m, 50m

That sums up it for the day. Painful as all hell but a killer workout
Yesterday I did a spinning workout for 45 minutes followed by a 2k row for time.

Today was
(1) 5 Rounds
6x Front Squats @ 135#, then immediately ....
6x Jingle Jangles, then immediately ....
6x Jumping Lunges
60 seconds rest

(2) 5 Rounds
6x Bench Press @ bodyweight, then immediately ....
6x Dips, then immediately ....
6x Clapping Pushups
60 seconds rest

(3) 5 Rounds
6x Hang Squat Clean @ 95#, then immediately ....
6x Push Press @ 95#, then immediately ....
6x Box Jumps to 24" Box
60 seconds rest

(4) 5 Rounds
6x Dead Lift @ 185#, then immediately ....
6x Swings @ 28kg, then immediately ....
6x Squat Jumps
60 Seconds Rest

I will do about an hour of cardio as well this evening.
Today was a 12 mile run. I should be doing some lifting tonight but need some time off so I might take the next few off and go from there.
I will say that I went to put a pair of jeans on it was too tight in the thighs to fit. I was quite happy about that. I also have put about 2-2.5 inches on the arms as well and I can notice my back getting wider as well. All and all completely satisfied.
Today's workout
Front Squat w/ 2 sec. pause in bottom: 5, 3, 3, 3

Clean: 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1

Split Jerk: 3, 2, 1, 1, 1

Rest: 5 - 10 min.

10 Bar Muscle-Ups for time

As far as the gains go, I am sure some of it is water weight. And I went from doing a lot of conventional lifting to olympic so I attribute a lot of my gains to that as well
Acne Guidelines And Pointers That You Are not able to Reside Without

From pills to pads, the store shelves are complete up of items that are apparently, devised to assist you acquire free of blemishes as well as comprehensive damaging skin. Do just about any of them really work? Right here is some must-know pimple info that will certainly help you have sure and healthy and balanced skin.

Wrap an ice cube within just a small towel and position it on a spot for approximately 20 minutes. Ice is superb for minimizing redness and inflammation. Furthermore, some spots can significantly hurt and ice can numb the discomfort. Ice can also be a wonderful alterative to topical anti-inflammatories since it eliminates the should have to get in your case to apply chemicals to your skin that could the actual fact is irritate acne more.

One fast method to cut down on pimples episodes and escalate your total across-the-board health and wellness is to cut it out cigarette smoking. A study done in Germany in 2001 showed that zits was actually 62 % extra prevalent in individuals that were intense smokers versus non-smokers. The smoke adds a covering of pore-clogging goo to your face skin.

It is actually very crucial with regard to you to drink numerous of water every daytime. Your target needs to be actually regarding 2 litres to have your body as well as skin hydrated the right way. If one skin turns into drained then erased skin cells are actually not exfoliated properly as well as the resting in peace skin may lead to blocked pores and additional pimples.

Do not let your locks hang in the face and won't lean on your hand or touch your face without due cause. When your hair touches your face, the natural oils from your locks as well as virtually any hair product you could utilize translation to your skin. When you touch your face, every dirt or what's goings around that may be on the hands transmit to your skin. All this includes up to zits episodes.

The key to acne breakouts control is to keep items easy! Itis actually necessary to make use of as couple of products as one can easily on the skin to provide that one don't confuse it. The extra ointments, masks, tonics, as well as tablets one throw at the trouble, the more you 'll daunt up the balance of your whole process.

Keep the locks out of your face. This are going to protect against oil shifting from the hair to your face as well as provoking pimple problems. Additionally, if one are taking advantage of hair care products like mousse, gel or hairspray and the hair touches your face it may provoke flare ups. Really don't allow these items to touch the face at all.

Use benzoyl peroxide on fixed pimple. Also look into best acne treatment This is the best over the counter acne breakouts medication offered in the USA as well as is obtainable in money-saving universal forms. The 5 % preparations are actually wonderful with regard to individuals with receptive skin, while the 10 % strategies are advantageously with regard to more-resistant acne breakout. Benzoyl peroxide is a cost-effective method to heal mild-to-moderate zits as well as may diminish the need with regard to high-priced doctor visits as well as streptomycins.

Bad skin is able to be actually bequeathed or something one are able to receive, due to disregardful care. These tips are going to function with regard to every type of acne breakout by attacking it at the supplier. This will not merely heal you to get rid of present imperfections, however additionally to heal you defend against coming future outbreaks. That's exactly what it's definitely all about though, to aid in getting rid of acne! Usage the tips you 've found out here to help.