I am banned!
So I just got the go ahead from my best friend that he'll help me run Test Ethanate (he would if I paid for it), I was on the boards about running it secretly, but he's a nurse and I have no knowledge of how to IM or even aspirate for that matter, I convinced him to run Test with me, but I want to have a kicker. I wanted to do Dbol, but I'm in between Dbol/Anadrol/Anavar, want something that can get me going right off the bat, but not cripple me with sides early into my cycle. Preferably like to get everything at once, if anyone has any idea how the on cycle support would look like for the first 4-6w, it would be a big help, the individual shipping on the on-cycle costs are brutal from the states, Full Gear Cost is only like $350 ($500 with my buddy's test included) for a 6 week kicker, 12 weeks of 300mg Test E, and Clomid PCT.