Test E Kicker?


I am banned!
So I just got the go ahead from my best friend that he'll help me run Test Ethanate (he would if I paid for it), I was on the boards about running it secretly, but he's a nurse and I have no knowledge of how to IM or even aspirate for that matter, I convinced him to run Test with me, but I want to have a kicker. I wanted to do Dbol, but I'm in between Dbol/Anadrol/Anavar, want something that can get me going right off the bat, but not cripple me with sides early into my cycle. Preferably like to get everything at once, if anyone has any idea how the on cycle support would look like for the first 4-6w, it would be a big help, the individual shipping on the on-cycle costs are brutal from the states, Full Gear Cost is only like $350 ($500 with my buddy's test included) for a 6 week kicker, 12 weeks of 300mg Test E, and Clomid PCT.
I would definitely go for dbol for your 4-6 week kickstart. Im not really a big supporter of var unless your cutting, personally never used adrol but from what ive read its very similar to dbol. Also dbol would be about $60
vars ok on the end of the cycle and acts as a nice hardener, not really what your looking for i feel.

Dbol or tbol would be good, dbol will give huge strength gains, along with some possible bloat which can be controlled (doesnt always happen either), tbol gives leaner/harder gains with no bloat, also gives strength gains aswell but not as prevelant as dbol as theres no water.

Both are hepatoxic and harsh on the liver, however tbol is worse on the liver because its milder in strength so youll need to run a higher dosage of tbol than of dbol, which will be worse on your liver.

Support needed would be N2guard which will cover all areas including protection of your liver and blood presssure control.

Up to you but one these two would be the kicker youre looking for and get the cycle going nicley..
That's deadly, I was expecting more of an impact on my wallet, but N2Guard is gtg, haven't tried the new formulation get tho, awesome ty
you could always try a low dose of SD if you can find it....i'm not a fan of compounds that bloat so you might want to pass on that.....anavar would be money but it's usually pretty expensive....you could go TNE if you're looking for something to hit you quick while you wait for the E to kick...just some things to think about

and like the other guy said make sure you have your support ready to roll - I don't think N2Guard got reformulated...i think it just received a new label
Question? How do you go about not hitting the Sciatic nerve system, my friend said he hasn't used a needle in 5 years, and said that he would feel like shit if he hit my sciatic nerve and paralyzed me, now this is kind of a scary thought for me that I never really realized and I bet not many people actually think about this when pinning. I wouldn't feel bad slin pinning it into my stomach fat if possible, any idea on how I would go about beginner pinning? Would I just go about the same route as the stomach fat thing except using a longer needle in my ass fat, instead of jabbing it straight in to the glutes, could I do a lengthwise shot in the fat tissue?
Question? How do you go about not hitting the Sciatic nerve system, my friend said he hasn't used a needle in 5 years, and said that he would feel like shit if he hit my sciatic nerve and paralyzed me, now this is kind of a scary thought for me that I never really realized and I bet not many people actually think about this when pinning. I wouldn't feel bad slin pinning it into my stomach fat if possible, any idea on how I would go about beginner pinning? Would I just go about the same route as the stomach fat thing except using a longer needle in my ass fat, instead of jabbing it straight in to the glutes, could I do a lengthwise shot in the fat tissue?
Ok, for starters:
1) When you inject, it's not in the fat - you're injecting IM (Intra-muscularly) so pinning in your abdomen is not really recommended for a cycle dose.
2) Your friend needs to inject you in the outer upper quadrant of your gluteus muscle. I can't remember exactly which gluteal that is, but I'm sure he'll be able to find it.
3) Skip the kickstart for your first cycle assuming this is your first experience with AAS. You want to know how you react to each drug, so combining two at once will make it difficult to pinpoint which is giving you any negative side effects/problems.
4) I didn't see any mention of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (Aromatase inhibitor), as test increases - estrogen increases. Unless you want to entertain the notion of growing man-boobies, you'll need to order that as well.

If you insist on going with a kicker, dbol would probably be the best choice since it's fast acting and provides for really impressive gains. Good luck!

My .02c :)

Oh, and FYI: You probably want to post in the AAS section since that's what your questions pertain to. That part of the forum seems to get the most traffic, so you're more likely to get a faster response. ;)
Yes I've settled on my quads actually, he's not going to be helping me (when I told him about Transaderm, he wanted to do that instead :l), so it would be much easier for me to see where I'm injecting it, and since this post I have watched a bit of videos on how abouts I will inject testosterone (the low T guys are really helpful), I am uncertain about using a 1-1.5" needle opposed to slin pins tho, I am pretty lean, so there's really not that much tissue I need to fight through to hit muscle, I think its just breaking down that barrier that's going to be the hard part.

I've been thinking that 4 weeks of Dbol would really start me off nice; is there a weaning stage or do you just downright stop taking it after the 4th week and continue on as if nothing has happened. Its my only real concern with adding a kicker to the cycle, it will really help me break the threshold early, but do I act like it never happened and just run my PCT after the 12th week?

And of course I would be using forma, but its just seems easier to run test as is, orals seem to make cycles much more complicated.
Be careful when injecting quads. They can't hold as much oil as your glutes cuz they're smaller. I tried 2.5 ml in my right quad once and I could barely walk for the next week. I was getting all sorts of funny looks and sympathy from my coworkers, everyone wanted to know what happened to my leg.
Dbol, Epistane, and SD are the only 3 orals I've used so far. Of those 3 I found SD to be the most effective. Dbol didn't do much for me, and I was on 50 mg's a day. Take about half your daily dosage for your oral an hour before your workout for one kickass session.
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Yes I've settled on my quads actually, he's not going to be helping me (when I told him about Transaderm, he wanted to do that instead :l), so it would be much easier for me to see where I'm injecting it, and since this post I have watched a bit of videos on how abouts I will inject testosterone (the low T guys are really helpful), I am uncertain about using a 1-1.5" needle opposed to slin pins tho, I am pretty lean, so there's really not that much tissue I need to fight through to hit muscle, I think its just breaking down that barrier that's going to be the hard part.

I've been thinking that 4 weeks of Dbol would really start me off nice; is there a weaning stage or do you just downright stop taking it after the 4th week and continue on as if nothing has happened. Its my only real concern with adding a kicker to the cycle, it will really help me break the threshold early, but do I act like it never happened and just run my post cycle therapy (pct) after the 12th week?

And of course I would be using forma, but its just seems easier to run test as is, orals seem to make cycles much more complicated.

Slin pins are great, but they take much longer to load up the oil. I personally prefer 18g to draw/25g 1" to inject as it allows for quick draws and relatively pain-free injects. Remember, the length of the needle is to go into the muscle belly, not just the surface of it. So even though you're skinny, 1" of needle isn't going to poke your bone or anything unless you're freakishly atrophied.

No need to taper down for your kicker, at week four the test should be kicking in to help maintain your intensity. The point of a post cycle therapy (pct) is to return your body to it's natural levels. You don't need to worry about the kicker as you're going to still be taking in additional testosterone, so yeah - you can "act like it never happened" after the 12th week. (You want to start post cycle therapy (pct) a couple weeks AFTER your last pin btw.)
So I just got the go ahead from my best friend that he'll help me run Test Ethanate (he would if I paid for it), I was on the boards about running it secretly, but he's a nurse and I have no knowledge of how to IM or even aspirate for that matter, I convinced him to run Test with me, but I want to have a kicker. I wanted to do Dbol, but I'm in between Dbol/Anadrol/Anavar, want something that can get me going right off the bat, but not cripple me with sides early into my cycle. Preferably like to get everything at once, if anyone has any idea how the on cycle support would look like for the first 4-6w, it would be a big help, the individual shipping on the on-cycle costs are brutal from the states, Full Gear Cost is only like $350 ($500 with my buddy's test included) for a 6 week kicker, 12 weeks of 300mg Test E, and Clomid PCT.

I fyou have no knowledge of something dont do it.
I ran test e with a dbol jump twice, good initial strength and mass for sure compared to anavar as a jump
Kickstart with T-bol (Turnabol). 300mg a week is kinda low, where are you getting it from, is it Pharm grade or UGL? At least 400 or 500mgs. Have your test levels run at around 1500ng/dl, at least thats what im going to do. You could also throw in some HCG in there as well.
FYI Just because someone is a nurse, that doesn't mean they know how to run steroids. They don't teach you how to cycle or how to come off properly in nursing school. At most he could get good needles. The vets on here know so listen to them, they are experienced. Other then that you pretty much have the cycle down packed, sort of.