Last time I cycled I pinned twice a week. That was a 12 week test e cycle. This time I'm on a low test e, higher tren e cycle and chose to pin every six days. I have more acne than normal on my back, but I believe that's the tren doing it. I take my last bit of tren in a couple of days. I upped my test to 500 for the last 2 tren pins and I'll stay at 500 for next 7 pins. So if the acne goes away in a couple of weeks i should def know it was the tren doing it. Arimidex has been .5 eod and I dropped the Prami after 2 weeks because it made me feel like shit.
I was experimenting with the whole "higher anabolic threshold" thing this time. Really hadn't noticed any difference between the two methods. Yet.