Test E - Once a week or twice a week -Which is better?


New member
Im doing 400mg/ml Test E per week. Which is better and WHY? 200mg twice per week or the entire 400mg once per week?
If you inject twice a week you remain in the halflife and continue to climb in way of active hormone, once a week your active hormone is declining substantially by the time you reinject. So if you want more stable blood levels which in turn means fewer sides and an easier time to control E2 then inject twice per week.
Last time I cycled I pinned twice a week. That was a 12 week test e cycle. This time I'm on a low test e, higher tren e cycle and chose to pin every six days. I have more acne than normal on my back, but I believe that's the tren doing it. I take my last bit of tren in a couple of days. I upped my test to 500 for the last 2 tren pins and I'll stay at 500 for next 7 pins. So if the acne goes away in a couple of weeks i should def know it was the tren doing it. Arimidex has been .5 eod and I dropped the Prami after 2 weeks because it made me feel like shit.
I was experimenting with the whole "higher anabolic threshold" thing this time. Really hadn't noticed any difference between the two methods. Yet.
You could also do e4d.....500mgs a good starting point with some nova aswell.....

Better safe them sorry. Nothing worse then sore nipps and have nothing to combat it.
Hi Kazmir, thanks for the response. I found your info helpful. I am wondering if you have any thoughts on another situation.

I am on my second cycle. My first was Sustanon 250 at one ml/wk. Within an hour of my first injection I felt incredibly focused and an extreme sense of well being. It was great!! I went to work and people noticed that I was laser focused and was really engaged.

I am currently pinning 400mg/ml of Test E. Today is day 25 and I feel none of the feelings I felt on my Sust 250 cycle.

Any thoughts shared would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!