Test-E / Tren-E safe cycle (Recomp)


New member
Hello everyone,

I may have found what my next cycle would be: Test - E and Tren - E, with Arimidex all along (small dose) for recomp (loose 2-3% fat, gain 5-7lbs of muscles would be great).
PCT: Nolva and Exemestane (aromazin). I would like some help to fine tune it. The idea is for me to have a first taste of Tren (so, just high enough so I can asses its potency and my sensitivity) and giving that my goals are not that incredible, I would rather stay on the safe side, even if it means I meet my (low) goals to only 70% or so.

It would be my third injection cycle (had Test -E /Deca; Test-E / Dianabol). And had few oral only cycles (Anavar, Anadrol, Superdrol, Epistane).

First, you can flame me, but I do not have Dostinex at hand and my first question would be:
- I never had any problem with gyno related symptoms and will run an AI all along, would I be fine without Dostinex? (I had a Deca cycle, I used Dostinex for the first few weeks then dropped it, no problem).

- What would be a safe dose of test-e/Tren-E (i will split it in half). From research it looks like a 400mg-500mg test-e per week and 300mg tren-e per week. Would that be "safe" enough or should I dropped some more?

- What would be the good duration for both compound?

- Anyone already tried to front load test? how was it?

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nah get some dostinex... well that's what I would do.. If gyno comes out you'll be shitting your pants big time. I'd start with Tren A since that stuff mess with your head a lot, some people get really fuckd up on it. If you go tren A route(I really recommend it.. if you get unwanted sides from tren E it will take a while to get out of blood); I'd go something like :
Test E 250/week
Tren A 350/week (increase if you feel like it, are fine with the sides and all that)
have caber on hand and an AI.. Safest route
you can run this for like 8 weeks.. the longer you run tren the harder its gonna be to recover.. and its already hard to recover from a 8 week cycle of tren so.. u get the point
front loading... I don't have experience with this, but I consider doing it for next cycle since it seem to work well. I'd simply start the test E 4 week before tren.. do like
Test e 1-12
Tren a 4-12
"safe" and "tren" don't belong in the same sentence. Considering your shitty idea for pct, I would say your not ready for tren. U got lots more researching to do.
Thanks for the tips :)

"If you don't know xxxxxx you are not ready for xxxxx" you can customize at your will. It's one of the used sentences of this forum.
I guess if I come ask for information at the first place is that I am aware I still have things to learn, does that make me banned from the AAS community... some people seems not to be reasonable.

I understand Tren is dangerous, as much as I understood that Epistane was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Anavar was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Superdrol was dangerous. Used it, I survived (loved it too)
As much as I understood that Dianabol was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Test-E was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Deca was dangerous. Used it, I survived.
As much as I understood that T4 was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that T3 was dangerous. Used it, I survived

I guess no matter what stage of anything you are trying to do, there will be ALWAYS people telling you "You shouldn't, the unknown is too dangerous".

I am not reckless, especially we are talking about my own body, so if there is someone that is the most concerned about, it's me. So I have trouble understanding that some remote angry man drop by a bunch of thread to discourage anybody to do anything other than him, because he is the king of the hill or something.

I know that Trenbolone is dangerous, this is why I ask and I aim of introducing it at low dose so that I feel its effect without crossing the dangerous line.

"Trenbolone and safe does not belong in the same sentence". So meaning to say if I run at 100mg a week I am going to explode or something? Steroid side-effects are 99% of the time dose related, aren't they, So I am waiting for your explanation on what phenomenon would be dangerous for me at that dosage, on the top of Test-E, with all the ancillary stuff at hand. (got some emergency cabergoline on its way).

At any rate, as always I owe to thank the helpful one, the other one are just people feeling happy to be part of the group of "Raaaaaaah we are hardcore steroid man!!!! Cmon, Smell my harmpit bra!! BEAST!!!"

Other questions: Given the difficulty for me to put my hands on empty sterile vials, I found out how to get locally sterile water for injection. Would you, helpful bunch, have any idea on if it would be fine to draw all the water out (with needle and syringe) and put my mix in it (once it's dry) but lets say there are some remaining drops of water?
Thanks for the tips :)

"If you don't know xxxxxx you are not ready for xxxxx" you can customize at your will. It's one of the used sentences of this forum.
I guess if I come ask for information at the first place is that I am aware I still have things to learn, does that make me banned from the AAS community... some people seems not to be reasonable.

I understand Tren is dangerous, as much as I understood that Epistane was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Anavar was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Superdrol was dangerous. Used it, I survived (loved it too)
As much as I understood that Dianabol was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Test-E was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that Deca was dangerous. Used it, I survived.
As much as I understood that T4 was dangerous. Used it, I survived
As much as I understood that T3 was dangerous. Used it, I survived

I guess no matter what stage of anything you are trying to do, there will be ALWAYS people telling you "You shouldn't, the unknown is too dangerous".

I am not reckless, especially we are talking about my own body, so if there is someone that is the most concerned about, it's me. So I have trouble understanding that some remote angry man drop by a bunch of thread to discourage anybody to do anything other than him, because he is the king of the hill or something.

I know that Trenbolone is dangerous, this is why I ask and I aim of introducing it at low dose so that I feel its effect without crossing the dangerous line.

"Trenbolone and safe does not belong in the same sentence". So meaning to say if I run at 100mg a week I am going to explode or something? Steroid side-effects are 99% of the time dose related, aren't they, So I am waiting for your explanation on what phenomenon would be dangerous for me at that dosage, on the top of Test-E, with all the ancillary stuff at hand. (got some emergency cabergoline on its way).

At any rate, as always I owe to thank the helpful one, the other one are just people feeling happy to be part of the group of "Raaaaaaah we are hardcore steroid man!!!! Cmon, Smell my harmpit bra!! BEAST!!!"

Other questions: Given the difficulty for me to put my hands on empty sterile vials, I found out how to get locally sterile water for injection. Would you, helpful bunch, have any idea on if it would be fine to draw all the water out (with needle and syringe) and put my mix in it (once it's dry) but lets say there are some remaining drops of water?

100mg a week.. you might notice something but its extremely low dosage... now Tren isn'T ''dangerous'' if you understand the compound.. I think you should look into it and understand how it work... you gotta check your BP on it, RBC will go up since its strong drug.. prolactin obv (some people are fine tho.. but have caber on hand.. or prami w/e) just make research first thats the important part
100mg a week.. you might notice something but its extremely low dosage... now Tren isn'T ''dangerous'' if you understand the compound.. I think you should look into it and understand how it work... you gotta check your BP on it, RBC will go up since its strong drug.. prolactin obv (some people are fine tho.. but have caber on hand.. or prami w/e) just make research first thats the important part

Hello Samsport, I know it is low, but it was just to prove my point by exaggerating the low dosage to put Tren and safe in the same sentence.
I've heard recommended dosage are at least 400mg/w. I am aiming at 250mg-300mg, not yet set.

I am basing the cycle on Test-E mainly, I also have some Anavar but I am worried it will be overshadowed by Tren.
If cost is not to be considered (buy in bulk), would you think Anavar would be of some effect or it will be plain useless in this stack?

I am still assessing how much testosterone I should run to be sure not to get too high on androgen side-effects once Tren kick in.

Would you say that 400 Test-E/w and 300 Tren-e/w would be a good balance?

Hello Samsport, I know it is low, but it was just to prove my point by exaggerating the low dosage to put Tren and safe in the same sentence.
I've heard recommended dosage are at least 400mg/w. I am aiming at 250mg-300mg, not yet set.

I am basing the cycle on Test-E mainly, I also have some Anavar but I am worried it will be overshadowed by Tren.
If cost is not to be considered (buy in bulk), would you think Anavar would be of some effect or it will be plain useless in this stack?

I am still assessing how much testosterone I should run to be sure not to get too high on androgen side-effects once Tren kick in.

Would you say that 400 Test-E/w and 300 Tren-e/w would be a good balance?


From what I've seen, most people run for example : Test 250mg/week Tren... Depends.. you could start around 350/400 (people seem to get less sides with low Test/mod-high tren) .. Tren should be the main ''builder'' in your cycle. An oral isnt a bad idea at all.. You could either ''kick-start'' your cycle with it or run it at the end for ''finishing touch''. Since its anavar, to me its more like a finishing touch compound.. You should look into epistane also, it is an awesome product and its cheaper than anavar.. To me it is superior to anavar. Its better at keeping fullness while cutting, and even on a calorie deficit, you will see good strength gains. Its a personal preference of mine though, at this point its your call
That's fine if whoever wants to call me out but remember I wasnt the one who started a thread. I don't know everything but I research my shit. I suggest u do as well, dicks.
That's fine if whoever wants to call me out but remember I wasnt the one who started a thread. I don't know everything but I research my shit. I suggest u do as well, dicks.

@tbonexl: I appreciate your help, however, not only was your comment a one liner but it was fairly harsh, not really helpful and furthermore, not even "deserved" (as I did have a PCT that you may not have seen). I also tried to not necessarily enter too much in details for PCT as I was not really asking a question related to the Post Cycle, but more on the cycle itself (and the introduction of Tren in a "relatively" safe dosage). At any rate, you are well welcome to comment on this thread, but you also have to keep in mind that for me, the "owner of the thread", the whole purpose of me going to a forum and start a thread, is because I am looking for answers rather than being flamed.

@SamSport: I used to have Epistane, not long ago, I was not impressed at all. I could have given it another try, but my supplier doesn't have this pro-hormone as bulk powder. Also, I already order so I have to pick from my "selection" of compounds. The oral that impressed me the most is Superdrol, but it quickly (after 3 weeks) makes me feel bad (I can feel that my liver is upset). The only time I used Anavar was on its own, and I totally forgot how it went, meaning to say it was pretty much unnoticeable. I am just trying to see if with a high enough test-e level as a foundation, if the Anavar will kick-in to greater extent (I assume that previously, Anavar dimly compensated from my test shutdown).
As oral, I have D-bol, Anadrol, Anavar, Superdrol at hands. I am looking for recomp, so I'll avoid wet weight (will also have A-Dex throughout). Superdrol makes me look full and dry as hell but I will try to live without it as I don't want to bring this stress on my liver at the same time as I may have to deal with Tren side effect.
Would D-bol be of any use considering I take an AI?
@tbonexl: I appreciate your help, however, not only was your comment a one liner but it was fairly harsh, not really helpful and furthermore, not even "deserved" (as I did have a PCT that you may not have seen). I also tried to not necessarily enter too much in details for PCT as I was not really asking a question related to the Post Cycle, but more on the cycle itself (and the introduction of Tren in a "relatively" safe dosage). At any rate, you are well welcome to comment on this thread, but you also have to keep in mind that for me, the "owner of the thread", I am looking for answers more than being flamed.

@SamSport: I used to have Epistane, not long ago, I was not impressed at all. I could have give it another try, but my supplier doesn't have this pro-hormone as bulk powder. Also, I already order so I have to pick from my "selection" of compounds. The oral that impressed me the most is Superdrol, but it quickly (after 3 weeks) makes me feel bad (I can feel that my liver is upset). The only time I used Anavar was on its own, and I totally forgot how it went, meaning to say it was pretty much unnoticeable. I am just trying to see if with a high enough test-e level as a foundation, if the Anavar will kick-in to greater extent (I assume that previously, Anavar dimly compensated from my test shutdown).
As oral, I have D-bol, Anadrol, Anavar, Superdrol at hands. I am looking for recomp, so I'll avoid wet weight (will also have A-Dex throughout). Superdrol makes me look full and dry as hell but I will try to live without it as I don't want to bring this stress on my liver at the same time as I may have to deal with Tren side effect.
Would D-bol be of any use considering I take an AI?

Hmm.. I can't wait to try superdrol.. alright back to the topic ; Dbol is definatly a wet compound, I'd go with var if you want to avoid water weight. Anadrol on the other hand would be a good ''inbetween'' . It brings some water weight but to a lesser degree than Dbol. Ai would reduce the bloat from Dbol but not totally I believe.. You would be more safe with Adrol or Var if you really want to avoid the bloat.. if youre willing to deal with it dbol is definatly a good product
Never try Superdrol? Works well but it is indeed pretty harsh. I wouldn't say "Extremely" but I feel it has a negative effect on my well-being to a small extent (some lethargy, and this liver thingy, I also tends to have harder time to sleep). Oh, and I feel that my joints gets drier (nothing major but I never play with fire).

Not really that I want to avoid the water weight at any costs, I am just wondering if the AI would not impact too much of D-bol benefits as it may cut some androgenic effect that (surprisingly) would come from the high estrogen conversion.
Never try Superdrol? Works well but it is indeed pretty harsh. I wouldn't say "Extremely" but I feel it has a negative effect on my well-being to a small extent (some lethargy, and this liver thingy, I also tends to have harder time to sleep). Oh, and I feel that my joints gets drier (nothing major but I never play with fire).

Not really that I want to avoid the water weight at any costs, I am just wondering if the AI would not impact too much of D-bol benefits as it may cut some androgenic effect that (surprisingly) would come from the high estrogen conversion.

I got some in the mail... 10 days and I'll know what the deal is all about :D .. Taking an AI wont effect Dbol's gains ; it will reduce bloat to a certain extent but gains will be there