Test enanthate and Decca NPP........?????????


New member
Hi I realise I am most likely going to get frownd upon for asking such a question , but then this is what forums are for rite???

Currently looking at going back onto a test enanthate cycle .. Would like to add Decca into the equation can someone give me some tips on this..

My main question is can I add NPp deca as appose to standard Decca .. The things iv read on this are great I.e fast acting less bloat (even if I do bloat off enanthate) I'm keeping on top of my diet to make that a minimum.

Test e - (1-13 weeks) - 500mg / 1ml a week
Dbol - ( 4 weeks) - 30mg a day
Arimidex - (1-13). - 0.5 (eod)

Pct - hcg and clomid

The Decca I was going to run at 300mg a week??? Any suggestions and advice.
Cheers for reply bigben66 ermmm

Been training for about five years
Previously done cycles with test Enan (first cycle) , test and dbol, and test prop with var all been great cycles... Whilst on the subject if always ran my test e at 500mg / 1ml a week .. Should i up this being my like fifth cycle???

Currently 22
Weight just under 13 stone
Height 5.12

Looking to weight again before cycle and during ..

I'd prob keep your test at 500mg due to the fact that your adding a new compound that you never tried before so to be able to tell how your body reacts to it( good or bad) you should keep your test the same. Also 300 mgs of npp/ week is a bit low in my opinion. Npp also needs to be injected eod to stay steady in your blood.
Hcg need from beginning of cycle until pct, pct Nova clomid. And nandralone doses are usually body weight x 2.
Hi I realise I am most likely going to get frownd upon for asking such a question , but then this is what forums are for rite???

Currently looking at going back onto a test enanthate cycle .. Would like to add Decca into the equation can someone give me some tips on this..

My main question is can I add NPp deca as appose to standard Decca .. The things iv read on this are great I.e fast acting less bloat (even if I do bloat off enanthate) I'm keeping on top of my diet to make that a minimum.

Test e - (1-13 weeks) - 500mg / 1ml a week
Dbol - ( 4 weeks) - 30mg a day
Arimidex - (1-13). - 0.5 (eod)

Pct - hcg and clomid

The Decca I was going to run at 300mg a week??? Any suggestions and advice.

wk1-12 deca
wk1-14 test IMO PCT *NO HCG DURING PCT! use last few weks of cycle if want. PCT: clood and tamox combo
Yeah I agree, for that duration I'd choose Deca over NPP...

Weeks 1-12 Deca @ 500mg
Weeks 1-14 Test E @ 500/600mg
D'Bol - weeks 1-4 @ 30mg daily
HCG from week 1-16 (stop 3 days before PCT)
Adex start @ 0.5 EOD - adjust according to bloodwork - be prepared to up it though using those 3 compounds.

Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

NB: This cycle will only be successful if your diet is dialled in - don't waste your money on the gear and overlook the nutrition aspect.

Good luck
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Thanks guys taken all on board....

My only worry is the hcg I've only ever ran that after a course not during.. What's the reason for this also I was pinning it eod but people were saying you can pin it in one shot...

ANY ADVICE....???? Sorry with all the questions lol just this is a bigger cycle to normal
Hcg during cycle helps in recovery amd keeps your free test up. Never take it during pct, it's suppressive. Counter productive my friend.