Test only cycle with sust


New member
I'm 22 and this is my first cycle..

12 weeks
Sust 250 every 5 day
hCG @ 250 iu twice a week

Arimidex 0.25 mg EOD

PCT starts in week 15
3 weeks

Clomid 25 mg and Nolvadex 20 mg

By the way i have a question why does my body hair grow in PCT? especially forearms hair. thanks a lot.
Sus is better injected every 2-3 days due to the short esters that make up part of the drug. You'd be better off starting with test cypionate do enanthate. Both of those are medium ester test best inj every 3-4 days for stable plasma levels

Can you elaborate a tad on your pct plans? It looks iffy tbh
Sus is better injected every 2-3 days due to the short esters that make up part of the drug. You'd be better off starting with test cypionate do enanthate. Both of those are medium ester test best inj every 3-4 days for stable plasma levels

Can you elaborate a tad on your pct plans? It looks iffy tbh

Yes but those are pharmacy sust. what would you do? UGL enanthate or pharmacy sust?

20 mg nolvadex plus 25 mg clomid - 3 weeks.