Don't understand your Q's. You need to understand what anabolic steroids do to understand what you want to know.
SO listen let me say ...IN SIMPLE terms. WE take steroids to Testosterone ( generally speaking) to help metabolize protein into muscle, ... more efficiently and at a faster rate then what our genetics alone allow. Given this there is NO reason why just test will not be of great aid while cutting or bulking. You should be considering a basic dose of 500mg wk. to up your Test level adequately.
Whether bulking or cutting the rest is up to diet AND.... AND the way you train, whether for bulk ( being pure MASS Building) or mass holding and cutting.
Why can't people understand that given hard training after cycle with proper food you WILL NOT LOSE what LMM you have built. Just because you are cutting or leaning out does NOT mean the loss of MM.

MM is here to stay GIVEN HARD WORKOUTS and food.
Cutting is not loosing Muscle ( if done right) it is the shedding of water and the BURNING OFF of Body Fat. Drop the food intake appropriately , maintain hard workouts will not depleted muscle mass. IF you are feeding and training why would you loose muscle mass
Using an AI appropriately to control aromatization IE your Estrogen levels will allow you to shed unwanted water retention / weight.
But OP I would like to ask you to give us more complete stats if you say you are already at 8% BF. BECAUSE at 8% what BF are you looking to cut down this for a specific show.
Care to show any pics with those stats
PS: I looked at some of you other posts and it seems you never give your complete stats. :
History and goals
Please remember that we ? me deal with many people on her... so it is difficult to memorize members stats completely.
SO I suggest , as I do, when planning a cycle and laying it out for others to critique I begin with laying out my stats COMPLETE so anyone jumping in can see what's up with me , my plan and on and on ...Etc...