Test P/NPP/dbol/anavar Cycle Log!!


Currently Sucking a Big Cock
This will be my 3rd cycle. First cycle was Test e/ anavar for 12 weeks,second cycle was Test E/dbol 12 weeks. (First cycle i would say was underdosed gear,and was not done properly based on my lack of knowledge)

My stats:
22 yrs,12% bf, 173lb, 5'9

Test p- 1-13 175mg Sat,Mon,Wed (Total 525mg EW)
NPP-1-8 125mg Sat,Mon,Wed (Total 375mg EW)
D-bol- 1-4 50mg ED
Anavar 6-13 50mg ED
Adex - 2-18 .5mg e2D
Caber- As needed (Any suggestions would be appreciated.)

clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
Excellent looking cycle, prepare to get huge. Keep record of your strength gains, this should be very interesting with the d-bol kickstart. You'll bloat quite a bit but it should make for a great transformation.
thanks bro. just read your npp test thread. how did you feel on cycle? and how was your body transformation
thanks bro. just read your npp test thread. how did you feel on cycle? and how was your body transformation

I feel great! Body change has been beyond my expectations and i'm just over a month in. I really feel NPP is perfect for a bulking cycle as it will help keep your joint pain to a minimum even though you are rapidly growing and straining.
Piggybacking off of what Bundy said, you should definitely look into a liver support supplement. Liv-52, milk thistle, Ursodiol (udca) are all great options.
Piggybacking off of what Bundy said, you should definitely look into a liver support supplement. Liv-52, milk thistle, Ursodiol (udca) are all great options.

thanks brother i will def look in to it. and i might hold off on the Anavar (var) and save it for next cycle.
I'm going to have to disagree. His dbol is only 4 weeks and then theres a 2 week break. (which is plenty of time for liver to regenerate)
The Anavar (var) is low dose and if it were me I'd run the dbol weeks 1-5 and the Anavar (var) weeks 6-13 at 70mg.
Var is an amazing oral I would use it. It stacks well with NPP gives a greek-god looking physique. Maybe consider dropping the dbol and raise Anavar (var) to 70-100mg.

Personally I include dbol into ALL of my cycles no matter what.
Anavar (var) is an amazing oral I would use it. It stacks well with NPP gives a greek-god looking physique. Maybe consider dropping the dbol and raise Anavar (var) to 70-100mg.

Personally I include dbol into ALL of my cycles no matter what.

will give it some thought.
Update,one week in. As of today i have weighed in at 169lb. that is a 4pound loss.Diet has been clean but kind of a challenge to consume 3400 + calories a day due to this new elrctrical job iv recentley got since iv started cycle. The cardio during this job is having me soaked in sweat for 8 hours straight. Dbol has suppressed my appetite,daily food caloric consumed daily is at the 2700 mark. My body has hardened quite a bit and honestly looks leaner(looks as if iv cut.fat). really feeling as if i should have planed out my diet a bit better. Im feeling like i should turn back and stop the cycle until im able to adjust to this job and maintain my diet.

What do you guys think!!!

I mean im feeling great honestly.i see potential in the cycle,just dont know how well my diet will play out if i continue. This was supposed to be a ultimate bulk cycle u know what i mean fellas

Im so fuckin bummed out about this.
Damn thats a good cycle. And knowing what some of my eletrical buddies do, you need more than 3400 calories to support this. Odds are you're working your ass off 8-10 hours a day, then you have to work out too. You need to figure out how to get more calories in man.
Damn thats a good cycle. And knowing what some of my eletrical buddies do, you need more than 3400 calories to support this. Odds are you're working your ass off 8-10 hours a day, then you have to work out too. You need to figure out how to get more calories in man.

i agree a 100%. any advice bro?
i agree a 100%. any advice bro?

Fucking protein bars in your belt bag bro! LOL Not sure what to say, man. You're taking your lunch in a bag I bet, and the roach coach is hit and miss. Get a solid breakfast in (5+ eggs, a shake and some carbs), eat a banana on the way in and twist wires with one hand, eat with the other!
Seriously though, just plan out your snacks and a decent lunch the night before. Those coffee breaks are going to be your only chance to cram extra food in during the day and I'd have something ready to eat soon as you get in your car. I have a similar issue when I'm on a job site. Its hard to eat right, so I have to think it out ahead of time. I keep a backpack in my car with protein powder in empty water bottles, granola bars, nuts, etc. Just gotta be a little more creative.
You can do it. I have trouble with it too sometimes, but damn... why waste a good cycle with not enough solid nutrition?! My intro to this world was a buddy asking me if I wanted to try it and turns out he was already 2 cycles in. He'd gained some size and lost fat, but 6 months of cycling on and off and on again and he only gain 15 pounds total! Whats the point of that?
When you're sweating that much, working that hard, its ok to cheat a little more. Just get some good calories in you whenever you can (just avoid the added sugar stuff). And when you have time to catch up, you prep for the next few meals ahead of time. I find that if I don't force myself to do it ahead of time, its not going to happen. (just like if I don't hit the gym before or after work, I ain't going once I get home because I have to deal with family until 8pm or later).