Test Prop First Cycle 9 Weeks. 20 Years Old.


New member
20 Years Old, 5'11 180lb, Bf% Low Teens. (was Previously 220lb at my bulk peak naturally cut down to 180 for cycle). Blood work is getting done if anything comes back as a risk i will not cycle. Been training for 4 years and dieting for the same amount religiously.

My Diet; Tdee: 2900.
Week 1 - Maintanence (Im coming off a big cut so rebound will be nice as maintenance will serve me well.) Protein 250g, Carbs 350g, Fats 75g.
Week 2 - Maintanence Protein 250g, Carbs 350g, Fats 75g.
Weeks 3 - 9 Surplus of 300 and tapering up as my weight shifts. Protein 300g, Carbs +350g, Fats 75g.

Cycle Plans;

Week 1-9 test prop 150mg/EOD.

Week 1-9 Arimidex 0.5mg EOD (Last one taken on same day as last prop injection)

PCT: (Last Pin is on a Saturday, Start PCT on the following Wednesday)
10-13 clomid 50/50/50/50
10-13 Nolva 40/20/20/20
10-13 Unleashed/post cycle combo

1. I can get my hands on HCG 5000IU, fairly expensive though for such a short cycle is HCG needed? If so when should i start running it? I am thinking weeks 2-8, or 3-8 since i will be suppressed/shutdown for sure by then.
2. Should i start at .25mg EOD for arimidex? since my estrogen (i feel) fluctuates alot, during this cut my libido lowers and raises like crazy due to estrogen raises im sure, bloodwork will show for sure.
3. Chest is my lagging bodypart (dominant triceps and anterior delts) i am well are of pre exhaustion techniques which i do implement, is it fair to have a training split similiar to this for the course of the cycle as recovery and protein synthesis is ramped way up.
Monday: Chest/Traps
Tuesday: Quads/Hammies/Calves
Wednesday: Back/Traps/Biceps
Thursday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
Friday: Calves/Traps/Abs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

Please spare the too young comments, i appreciate the regards to my health although the risk/reward i have addressed and i am fully held responsible for my own actions, i am aware. I would like to make a log although if all i get replied with is 'gtfo wait 3 years, train natty, eat sleep etc;' i just dont think there will be a point. I have gotten to 220lb naturally at 18, i was not 20%+ bodyfat, i had a respectable body and have built a respectable base before even considering cycling.
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5'11 180lbs 20years old is all i had to read.. ur body produces natty test at a good ammount.. if you eat right.. train right and sleep right ull get insane gains.. when i was 15 i wrighed 180 at 5'5 benching 250.. all bcz i lifted since i was 13.. ate rigt had to right ppl around.me.. so dnt shut down ur natty with test prop bro.. wait til ur 23 minimum and even thats young.. take full blown advantage kiddd
5'11 180lbs 20years old is all i had to read.. ur body produces natty test at a good ammount.. if you eat right.. train right and sleep right ull get insane gains.. when i was 15 i wrighed 180 at 5'5 benching 250.. all bcz i lifted since i was 13.. ate rigt had to right ppl around.me.. so dnt shut down ur natty with test prop bro.. wait til ur 23 minimum and even thats young.. take full blown advantage kiddd

Absolutely no offence intended and if that is you in your avatar you have a great rig, although when individuals plaster up their weights pushed and how much they weighed at a certain age they never mention BF%, i could have easily hit 230-240lb at 18 YEARS OLD, i was a strong motherfucker, i pulled 380lb Deadlift at 18 years old for 7 clean reps no belt, squatted 350. I much prefer a leaner look for health and aesthetic purposes.

All i am looking for is some guidance, if i will not recieve it i can lurk other logs and get all the info i need, i just thought a log would be beneficial for other individuals.
haha i am.lean kid.. 6pack abs about 8%bf at 224-220 roughly.. bench.is at 450lbs since i cut.. squat at 695.. deadlift at 600.. smh when will you younging know.. its a working progress dont shut yourself down when u have natty abilities.. its not.sum magic liquid in a vial that will turn you into a monster.. and the.ignorance.level with you kids is at an all time high.. ive seen.kids start cycles when they were 17-18-19 and now their 25-26-27 n co.plaining they wished the naturally formed their body before starting cycles because they cut.them.selves short.. if you are looking.for.guidence you got.it.. and.i can speak for everyone.else on this website.. they will say the same exact thing unless they are complete morons and unknowledgeable!!!.. that being said you can.do what you want.. im just giving you my two cents but since.i.know ull do it anyway.. just cut the prop to a lower dose and hcg start last week of ur cycle keep it for 5 weeks.. run clomid.. thats it
Absolutely no offence intended and if that is you in your avatar you have a great rig, although when individuals plaster up their weights pushed and how much they weighed at a certain age they never mention BF%, i could have easily hit 230-240lb at 18 YEARS OLD, i was a strong motherfucker, i pulled 380lb Deadlift at 18 years old for 7 clean reps no belt, squatted 350. I much prefer a leaner look for health and aesthetic purposes.

All i am looking for is some guidance, if i will not recieve it i can lurk other logs and get all the info i need, i just thought a log would be beneficial for other individuals.

You are threatening to use other logs and forums? Holy shit.guys guess we better help this kid make a terrible life.decision and show him how to fuck up his body in a way that could lead to permanent problems! We can't have him leave our forum! What on earth shall we do?!

Saying your too young is guidance...we see like 5 of these posts a day sometimes.
You all get the same answer...you are too young and too light...yea you may be lean but still not at your natty potential.
Eat a fuck load and quit bein so worried about losing your.six pack for a few weeks, train like an animal, and sleep...
And if you have gotten in the 200s before natty and fairly lean then get it up there again and KEEP it there till you are at least 23 to 25...then consider AAS
haha i am.lean kid.. 6pack abs about 8%bf at 224-220 roughly.. bench.is at 450lbs since i cut.. squat at 695.. deadlift at 600.. smh when will you younging know.. its a working progress dont shut yourself down when u have natty abilities.. its not.sum magic liquid in a vial that will turn you into a monster.. and the.ignorance.level with you kids is at an all time high.. ive seen.kids start cycles when they were 17-18-19 and now their 25-26-27 n co.plaining they wished the naturally formed their body before starting cycles because they cut.them.selves short.. if you are looking.for.guidence you got.it.. and.i can speak for everyone.else on this website.. they will say the same exact thing unless they are complete morons and unknowledgeable!!!.. that being said you can.do what you want.. im just giving you my two cents but since.i.know ull do it anyway.. just cut the prop to a lower dose and hcg start last week of ur cycle keep it for 5 weeks.. run clomid.. thats it

I had no means to offend you at all....dont see why you are sprouting numbers at me, im aware you are a vet and know your shit as you said you know i will do it either way therefore your last 2 lines was helpful although.

Prop at 100mg EOD = 350mg/week thats not a hefty dose at all standard is 500mg, correct?
As for HCG starting last week, im assuming blasting it pre pct, correct? rather then 500IU/week pinned mon/thurs.
Clomid as only SERM for Pct, what about estrogen rebound from arimidex? Nolva needs to be there man...

Again, im not trying to insult you....i posted here because i respect vets opinions in regards to AAS...if i wanted a lecture about how bad AAS is ill go tell my doctor im ON.

n drop the adex to .25 eod or u will crash e2.. cuz .5 is too high for.ur lcycle
Exactly what i was thinking....gonna be a bitch cutting these tabs into 4's fml.
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You are threatening to use other logs and forums? Holy shit.guys guess we better help this kid make a terrible life.decision and show him how to fuck up his body in a way that could lead to permanent problems! We can't have him leave our forum! What on earth shall we do?!

Saying your too young is guidance...we see like 5 of these posts a day sometimes.
You all get the same answer...you are too young and too light...yea you may be lean but still not at your natty potential.
Eat a fuck load and quit bein so worried about losing your.six pack for a few weeks, train like an animal, and sleep...
And if you have gotten in the 200s before natty and fairly lean then get it up there again and KEEP it there till you are at least 23 to 25...then consider AAS

I never said i will go to other forums, there is a plethora of logs on THIS website itself, Instead of me being misguided like many young people i know, i would think you would rather help as you know i will do it anyway. Its not a reasoning for losing my 'six pack' i dont prefer being bloated and looking like a fridge just to look like a powerlifter, i dont understand why i have to explain my choice of look/build....
You don't have to because you are too young...
And.we all check all the threads/logs on.here brother lol
Going to another on this site probably won't.help...
IMO Arimidex 0.5mg/EOD is way too much bro, you dont want to crush your E2, start at 0.125 E3D and uppen it when needed or go to EOD
You don't have to because you are too young...
And.we all check all the threads/logs on.here brother lol
Going to another on this site probably won't.help...

I honestly have no idea what you mean, when i stated i will look at other logs, i did NOT mean hijacking them and asking questions for my own gain, there is much to learn from others logs by not having to type one word, THAT is what i meant.

IMO Arimidex 0.5mg/EOD is way too much bro, you dont want to crush your E2, start at 0.125 E3D and uppen it when needed or go to EOD
I was thinking 0.5mg E3D? not only will 0.125mg E3D be a absolutely small dose but cutting the 1mg pills into that will be impossible.
I honestly have no idea what you mean, when i stated i will look at other logs, i did NOT mean hijacking them and asking questions for my own gain, there is much to learn from others logs by not having to type one word, THAT is what i meant.

I was thinking 0.5mg E3D? not only will 0.125mg E3D be a absolutely small dose but cutting the 1mg pills into that will be impossible.

Ahhh...understood :) my.mistake...
Now you are still too young but the stickys are what you need to.focus on reading just like any other new member.
Best of luck...I think you are being dumb though...
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I was thinking 0.5mg E3D? not only will 0.125mg E3D be a absolutely small dose but cutting the 1mg pills into that will be impossible.

buy a pill spliter bro, cut the pills up into 4 pieces, then u will have .25mg (if you have 1mg tabs) very easy ;)
i would start up using .25 E3D then, i nearly did your dose of prop X2 and arimidex at 0.50 E3D still fvucked my E2 up lol.

My Advice:
Just start low (0.125mg E3D), and bump the dosage up accordingly when needed and do not go higher then 0.25 EOD
buy a pill spliter bro, cut the pills up into 4 pieces, then u will have .25mg (if you have 1mg tabs) very easy ;)
i would start up using .25 E3D then, i nearly did your dose of prop X2 and arimidex at 0.50 E3D still fvucked my E2 up lol.

My Advice:
Just start low (0.125mg E3D), and bump the dosage up accordingly when needed and do not go higher then 0.25 EOD

Will probably start at .25mg E3D, 0.125mg is too small to dose, halving a already 1/4d 1mg pill is hard even with pill cutters.