test prop/var


New member
Hi guys I'm new here so first off my names Andrei. I'm 22 and a powerlifter for my university team(we're not great...), and I study Biology. Was just wondering if you guys could fill me in on some information, 'cause although the internet is really good it often contradicts itself and when you're messing with your biology certainty is golden! I really do apologize if these questions seem really basic or stupid but I've done quite a bit of research and they still seem unclear to me!

My stats are; 5'8", 80kg, BF not entirely sure but from a picture in terms of fat I'm close to this a3.ec-images.myspacecdn.com/i...3b506caa/l.jpg (estimates??)

Lifts are Bench 115kg, squat 150kg, deadlift 220kg(I know my squat is shit... definitely hoping the cycle will help it!) My goals are really quite modest, staying at the same weight or losing a little bit and going down 2-3 body fat percentage points would be fantastic. Keeping the same strength/getting any stronger would also be great but as I say I'm not hoping for miracles at all.

So here's my grand list of questions!

1. Is primo bad for hair? Hair Loss From Steroids(hairlossfromsteroids.com) says no, but half the internet says it's terrible, and the other half says its ok! I'm genetically prone to MPB(uncles on both sides, grandfather and both my brothers...) but haven't started shedding anything yet, and I'd rather not start now(the girlfriend has point blank said shaved head is a no no...).

The cycle I'm looking at running this summer is as follows

Weeks 1-8 Anavar (var) 50mg ed
weeks 1-8 test prop 55mg EOD=around 200mg a week
Milk thistle every day to guard the liver.

2. I've put in test prop at only 200mg a week in my cycle. This is just a very small dose to combat complete shutdown with no real anabolic component to it so I don't lose all libido and suffer the other side effects of low test. My question on this point would be is this too low even for that, or is it higher than the dose one would expect on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? steroidal.com/steroid-profiles/ana Anavar (var) /ana Anavar (var) -cycles/ seems to suggest that 100mg a week is what I should be looking at.

I will have arimidex on hand just in case I get any oestrogen related side effects but at such a light test dose I shouldn't think I will need it. My last few questions concern the PCT

3. My friend who is a long term gear user who is also my supplier right now(I certainly trust his supply) has told me to use HCG only for a post cycle therapy (pct). I'm a little apprehensive about this, and thought that I should use nova. My question would be is HCG alone ok, and if not what dose of nova should I use for this cycle(and clomid if it is necessary to have both).

4. Related to the previous question is HCG during cycle necessary with this cycle?

5. This question is really have I overlooked anything? I'm looking for modest gains, don't need a really powerful cycle but my only real sticking point is that I must guard my hair like my life - would anyone have any other suggestions for a cycle given this? Test/fina would be a good one but I'm scared of long term impotence because of it; that's a scary side effect to add(perhaps worse than hair loss!)

6. When should I start PCT given both Anavar (var) and prop?

Thanks very much for any advise and information you can give; when I'm informed enough to do my cycle I'll be sure to log it and such so that the next idiot coming along can read how this idiot learned!
1. Depends on the person. I have thinning hair and run Rogain with no issues. Keep in mind Primo is best at 600mg to 1gram a week for 16+ weeks

2. 100-200mg is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) range. Most drs prescribe 100mg most juice clinics get closer to 200mg

3. If your buddy/supplier is a long time juicer and is recommending Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) alone for post cycle therapy (pct) he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Clomid/nova/HCG is tried and true. Reference the stickies

4. Again everyone is different...8 weeks without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) may be good, if your bean bag starts to shrink blast. More than likely you will be fine.

5. Looks fine. Save the fina for later

6. Some will tell you with in 48 hours of your last shot. I personally would wait 3-5 days....I know, that a long time, given the half life of these compounds....that why they are called half life's.

You're welcome....next time go with shorter post with less questions. My money says I'm the only one that actually read the entire thing
1. Depends on the person. I have thinning hair and run Rogain with no issues. Keep in mind Primo is best at 600mg to 1gram a week for 16+ weeks

2. 100-200mg is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) range. Most drs prescribe 100mg most juice clinics get closer to 200mg

3. If your buddy/supplier is a long time juicer and is recommending Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) alone for PCT he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Clomid/nova/HCG is tried and true. Reference the stickies

4. Again everyone is different...8 weeks without Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) may be good, if your bean bag starts to shrink blast. More than likely you will be fine.

5. Looks fine. Save the fina for later

6. Some will tell you with in 48 hours of your last shot. I personally would wait 3-5 days....I know, that a long time, given the half life of these compounds....that why they are called half life's.

You're welcome....next time go with shorter post with less questions. My money says I'm the only one that actually read the entire thing

Thanks very much mate I appreciate the advise, I'll be doing 100 a week at the start and ramp up a little bit at a time and see if anything affects me badly until I get to 200. And ok not Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) only! Nova/clomid it is.