Test results, never touched gear, Messed up.

I'm not sure either, I went from verry low testosterone to normal maybe and my body is not use to it? I find I don't get irritated anymore maybe I was having a bad week lol??
Update! So I had a little issue with my androderm patches. They tend to fall off after workouts or sex, so I'd just pop on a new one once that happened but the issue is I used too many and I ran out before my prescription refill date and they wouldn't give me any...and gave me a very weird look lol. Even after explaining that they fall off etc...they said to me that I need to put them on after a shower but I put them on at 10pm like it directs me to and I shower in the AM. So its been about 2 weeks since I've been off them cold turkey...and I can say I feel like complete shit!!!!! And I'm not as energetic as well as my erections are weaker. I can't wait to go to injections lol.
Dude - get OFF the patch - they suck and will get testosterone all over your girlfriend. In a few months, you can blow her. kidding.

Seriously, though - get the shots 1/week - much better way to go - talk to your doctor.
i dont get why you are having these cycle like high dosage side effects from TRT?

Because these side effects are caused by a CHANGE in estrogen/test levels not just by high test levels. that is why it is worse at beginning and end of cycle. IT should stabalize.
Up date: so its been about 2 weeks now that I've been back on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). My Endo gave me 3 months supply every 2 months of Androderm and I'm feeling A LOT better now, not depressed or upset. I'm curious how I ever lived with out TRT....Its just so hard to explain when I'm not on it, its like I don't feel like a man. Any who So on Feb 9th I have my 3 month check up with my endo, and I am HOPEFULLY going to switch to injections, casue really $500 every 2 months is kinda nuts for my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) vs the $28 cost of a 10ml vial of 200mg/ml testosterone. I just need him to let me stick myself or inject one a week or every 2 weeks, not the every 3 weeks he wants to do. Anyways this is kinda a rant and seems like a journal and even if not many people are checking in on here I can at least look back and see what I've gone through the last year of my life trying to sort this out.


Some things that may help your doctor make the choices you want, instead of the things he wants:

request sperm testing, and tell him that you are trying to get your girlfriend/wife/mother pregnant.

also stating that you are afraid of the exposure of the patches to said breeder.

You can simply state: I don't have the financial ability to use the patch, because...

If things get kind of nasty, and as a last resort you can bring up the question about his insistence of using the patch, and does this have anything to do with a pharmacutical sales rep buying him off to sell these overpriced patches. sometimes when you question a person's ethics, they will back off from their opinion... sometimes they may just kick you out of their office too.

Standing up for yourself is the theme of this, because the doctor doesn't have to live with a limp dick and night sweats.