test to tren ratio what do you guys think


New member
26 yrs old
236 lbs
about 15 percent bf

started cycle couple weeks ago just came off a 8 week pct. ran it with clomid and nolva. lost 15 lbs in 8 weeks. first couple weeks sucked but after that I was in the clear recovered great.

current cycle

trenA100. 1.25ml EOD
test prop100. .75ml EOD
masteron 1ml eod
dbol 50 mg first 5 weeks ED
arimidex .25 mg eod

checking in to see about dosages heard tren to test is 2:1 for most people but also heard it can vary and can start off close to same dosage. feel good first couple days were kind of emotional but that cleared up, guess I got some good shit haha. no bad sides apparent strong as an ox.
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I'm confused. I just saw your other thread(http://www.steroidology.com/forum/a...-thorat-pain-after-injection.html#post3797317) about scratchy throat and you mentioned Deca and Mast causing it, but there is no Deca in this cycle? In response to that thread, sounds like a bit of Tren cough.

Also, why did you run PCT for 8 weeks, then just hop back on? You lost 15lbs on PCT? How much did you gain overall? Assuming you put 20-25lbs on over the course of the cycle, losing 15lbs of that isn't really recovering well, in my opinion. Did you run HCG at all?

In response to your question though, I prefer slightly higher Tren than Test, but that's just me. Everyone responds differently to Tren sides, they don't bother me much though.

Don't mean to come off as a dick, just trying to get more understanding of what is going on...
as far as the throat and chest pain.. it has happened prior with a cycle that deca was incorporated in. and I think I can rule out tren because I started masteron a week after test and tren. "recover" meaning started producing testosterone again with no noticeable psychological or physical changes, including gyno hair loss reproductive functions bipolar symptoms etc all which are a risk of AAS use.. also natural test levels are only a couple numbers lower than when I began using AAS. now I think what you mean by that is keeping gains right? well considering I put on 44lbs last year losing 15 lbs of primarily water isn't that bad imo.. up to this point ive always lowered test to a "maintenance dose" rather than coming clean.

When you say slightly higher can you be more specific in the dosages? your reasoning is it because youre avoiding more severe tren sides or? what about the receptors
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as far as the throat and chest pain.. it has happened prior with a cycle that deca was incorporated in. and I think I can rule out tren because I started masteron a week after test and tren.

Could just be the gear you're getting then. It's commonly associated with Tren though

"recover" meaning started producing testosterone again with no noticeable psychological or physical changes, including gyno hair loss reproductive functions bipolar symptoms etc all which are a risk of AAS use.. also natural test levels are only a couple numbers lower than when I began using AAS. now I think what you mean by that is keeping gains right? well considering I put on 44lbs last year losing 15 lbs of primarily water isn't that bad imo.. up to this point ive always lowered test to a "maintenance dose" rather than coming clean.

I knew you meant your hormones returned to normal levels, just thought that 15lbs lost over 8 weeks seemed like a lot to lose coming off 1 cycle. Now that you mention it was almost 1 year blasting/cruising, it makes more sense. I still think it's a lot to lose, but I'm a "quality over quantity" guy, I prefer not to retain a lot of water, ever.

In the future, I'd really consider adding HCG to your cycles.

When you say slightly higher can you be more specific in the dosages? your reasoning is it because youre avoiding more severe tren sides or? what about the receptors

I like to run the min amount of gear to get the desired results. I've found for me, that is around 600mg Tren, 500mg Test.
right on. True on the hcg I used it for about 4 months and kept my balls nice and plump. really expensive to use all year round.

I'm hesitant to use such a high dose of tren, I'm already pretty irritable naturally.
If you did an 8 week pct then hopped back on gear, how do you know your test levels were slightly lower then before? You can't do bloodwork during or right after pct. You gotta wait 6-8 weeks AFTER pct to do bloodwork. Basically you are blasting and cruising. Your pct was a waste of time.
pct is actually only 4 weeks on clomid and nolvadex. then 4 weeks for recovery. and not a waste of time at all imo its a ease of mind for me knowing I can recover just fine. and you can do bloodwork whenever you want lol. it wouldn't of been a reading of synthetic test in my body because that's all gone in 10-14 days
No you can't do bloodwork whenever you want and get accurate results. You gotta wait 6-8 weeks after pct to see if you have recovered. If your testing while on pct, it would almost be like testing while on cycle. The pct drugs are altering your hormones. That doesn't mean they will atay that way after pct. Lots to learn bud...
so the clomid and nolva are altering my test levels 4 weeks after use? if they work that long why do we take them every day
any experience with tren? want to know if my dosage is optimal. I'm used to 700-850 mg of test a week. 225 mg sounds so low and my first time with tren

125 mg tren a
75mg test p
100mg masteron

any experience with tren? want to know if my dosage is optimal. I'm used to 700-850 mg of test a week. 225 mg sounds so low and my first time with tren

125 mg tren a
75mg test p
100mg masteron


Understanding the profile of Tren and what your goal is for the use of Tren will speak to what max dose you would need for your cycle.

If you want to use Tren as a the 19 nor compound that it is and keeping to a lean body and low aromatizing effects then 250mgs of Test should be sufficient. You are also using Mast and that will not aromatize so you will only be adding more estrogenic problems to put up with if using a higher dose of Test.