

New member
whut up guys . iam brand new to this . i just got my test results back form my doc and my test levels are pretty low for being only 21 so he was thinking about putting me on test at 200 mg every 10 days . but the problem is that my insurance wont cover it . i can actually get it cheaper from a local guy . but my question is. i was thinking maybe i could bump it up to 200 mg every 7 days i know it isnt a lot but i will probaly be doing this for a long peroid of time in my life. so i was wondering if anybody else has tryed this and what kind of changes did they see. and also did they ahve any side effects?
No problem with every 7 days as opposed to 10. Since the Doc will have you on Test in one form or another, I would recommend you enquire about anti-estrogen tabs. The least expensive will be Nolvadex in its' generic version(Tamoxifen). Those will actually be more expensive than the Test. If you go with Testosterone Cypionate, then there is a generic version that won't be too expensive. You can find it for around $40, unless of course the Doctor is pinning you down to using one particular pharmacy that either charges an arm & an ass for it, or only carries Depo-Test.
i also have another question this sounds real dumb but i am new to all this. how many mg are in aa 10cc bottle and how much would i have to oreder for a year supply at 200mg every 7 days
10 ml vial/200mgs/ml + 1 shot/week = 10 weeks. 52 weeks in a year. 5 vials oughtta cover it minus two weeks.
kilo45 said:
whut up guys . iam brand new to this . i just got my test results back form my doc and my test levels are pretty low for being only 21 so he was thinking about putting me on test at 200 mg every 10 days . but the problem is that my insurance wont cover it . i can actually get it cheaper from a local guy . but my question is. i was thinking maybe i could bump it up to 200 mg every 7 days i know it isnt a lot but i will probaly be doing this for a long peroid of time in my life. so i was wondering if anybody else has tryed this and what kind of changes did they see. and also did they ahve any side effects?
dam your lucky my doc will only let me take 200mg every 14 days:confused:
well that is why iam kind of doing it myself to it is cheaper and i can use as much as i want . hey jobe1111 have you felt anything diffrent since you ahve been on it . like sex drive energy mood all that shit?
kilo45 said:
well that is why iam kind of doing it myself to it is cheaper and i can use as much as i want . hey jobe1111 have you felt anything diffrent since you ahve been on it . like sex drive energy mood all that shit?
i have been on it for about 3 years now.my sex drive and mood has all gone up.i have taken both cyp and enanthate.i noticed on cyp that after day 7 my mood took a nose dive,but on enanthate i felt better.the only thing i dont like about enanthate is all the water u hold on it.i look very puffy on it.but in your case if u can go every 10 days or 7 my self i would go with cyp.i can only take a shot every 14 days.(thats y i use enanthate)
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Since you are only 21,you really should try to get your normal test levels up,HRT should be a last resort,especially at your age.If you do a search you can find alot of ways to get your natural levels back up using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid.
what is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and what will clomid do? i love to find out some other way i could do it . but my sex drive is like a 80 year old . that is all iam really tryin to get normal.