Testex Cyp or Prop?


New member
Hey fellas

I have 13 amps of Testex Elmu Prolongatum is it Test Cypionate or Propionate? (see below)

Can run it at 400mg a week with 300mg of Deca for a first cycle?
If all things with the manufacturer have remained constant since about 2 years ago, then those amps are cyp. Personally, Testex Cyp is the best Test I have ever used.

I know it says "propionato" on the box which would make one think that it is Prop but keep in mind that in europe you cant find anyone making a 250 mg amp of Prop. You will also notice that the injects are painless. Something that is very rare with Prop.

Anyways, Testex has always made Cyp and they are well known for having the best cyp around.
No...that is cyp. Sorry. :rolleyes: But testex does make prop. The props are 25mg.
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Ya I was not aware that they made a Prop but I did use the Cyp and it came in that exact box that is posted above. Thanks for the heads up as I was not aware they made a Prop.

Anyone tried the Testex Prop and if so, how was it?
Biggie had it right folks.
Its Cyp.
Theres no human grade Prop in 125mg/ml in 2CC amps.
Its Test Cypionate.