Testosterone and Tren Cycle.


New member
New to this forum and have seen some great advice on here so i figured i would get some advice on my cycle.

Current cycle is Treasure Coast T-500 stacked with Treasure Coast Trenbolone Enanthate.

Week 1-10 500mg T-500 twice per week
Week 1-10 200mg Trenbolone Enanthate Twice per week.
Week 10-12 Nothing
Week 12-15 Liquid Clomi 35mg per day

I'm 6'2' 300lbs and 5 weeks into my cycle, I pretty much have maintained my weight and have gained great strength. Visually It looks like I have lost weight and gained muscle(my body is transforming perfectly).

The first question i have is, when this cycle is over I plan on dropping 30lbs and in 4 months running this cycle again. What kind of muscle retention will i have from this cycle after dropping 30lbs (of course still hitting the gym hard)?

The second question is, should i wait longer before i start the second cycle?
Your week 10-12 "nothing" phase -- should be filled in with week 1-12 HCG 500 iu a week phase
You should absolutely have an AI and hCG in this cycle, especially with the levels your running.

I personally like Aromasin but you might find other recommendations to consider, and the hCG
should be good with Rouchs recommendation... you might even want to run it at 500iu twice a week.

Just make sure you discontinue hCG 3-4 days prior to SERM treatment.

As a general rule, my base to every cycle is testosterone an AI and hCG.
What is your current bodyfat%?
I cant be to sure as I am still just learning but i have to imagine coming off a cycle and going onto a cut has to wreak havoc on your muscle gains. (someone let me know if im wrong)
Thank you for the advice on adding the HCG and AI into the cycle.. Just want to Clarify should i add the HCG now or wait for week 10-12?

When i started my cycle my body fat was at 27%, 5 weeks in I'm hitting the gym 6 days a week and down to 22% with my weight the same. My goal is to be at 18% by the EOC and cut down to 15% during my 4 month's off before starting the cycle again. With my high percentage of body fat I should not lose to much of my lean muscle gains while cutting if I eat right and keep my workout routine.

Only doing 10 weeks due to the high levels of Test and Tren.
Thank you for the advice on adding the HCG and AI into the cycle.. Just want to Clarify should i add the HCG now or wait for week 10-12?

When i started my cycle my body fat was at 27%, 5 weeks in I'm hitting the gym 6 days a week and down to 22% with my weight the same. My goal is to be at 18% by the EOC and cut down to 15% during my 4 month's off before starting the cycle again. With my high percentage of body fat I should not lose to much of my lean muscle gains while cutting if I eat right and keep my workout routine.

Only doing 10 weeks due to the high levels of Test and Tren.

HCG from day 1.

Brother, you're really taking a HUGE risk at that body fat percentage and going without an AI. How's the blood pressure doing? Tren and elevated estradiol can also give you licorice dick like no other.

I really wish you guys would ask questions BEFORE you start; it's hard to fix things mid-cycle.
What is your current bodyfat%?
I cant be to sure as I am still just learning but i have to imagine coming off a cycle and going onto a cut has to wreak havoc on your muscle gains. (someone let me know if im wrong)

^^ yep - unless your on trt or plan on ending a mass cycle and transitioning into a cut cycle and cruising on some test and primo, to keep you anabolic while in a calorie deficit,, then yes you'd loose gains coming off a cycle and going right into a calorie deficit, with no test in your system (what a waste)
HCG from day 1.

Brother, you're really taking a HUGE risk at that body fat percentage and going without an AI. How's the blood pressure doing? Tren and elevated estradiol can also give you licorice dick like no other.

I really wish you guys would ask questions BEFORE you start; it's hard to fix things mid-cycle.

Ahh... There it is, the estradiol part. For some fucking reason I always wondered whhhhhyyyyy the fuck Tren just kills my sex drive. Limp dick all day. I've ran all protocols too... An AI, HCG, some Prami... Helps a BIT... I keep hearing all these guys praise Tren for its dick hardening and insane sex drive abilities. I'm the only one who doesn't care for pussy while on Tren then? The only thing that makes me want pussy all day is Test at 300+ mg a week. I'm gonna run Tren in the summer and need that sex drive to bang all day in Vegas. Need to fix this
Ahh... There it is, the estradiol part. For some fucking reason I always wondered whhhhhyyyyy the fuck Tren just kills my sex drive. Limp dick all day. I've ran all protocols too... An AI, HCG, some Prami... Helps a BIT... I keep hearing all these guys praise Tren for its dick hardening and insane sex drive abilities. I'm the only one who doesn't care for pussy while on Tren then? The only thing that makes me want pussy all day is Test at 300+ mg a week. I'm gonna run Tren in the summer and need that sex drive to bang all day in Vegas. Need to fix this

If estradiol and prolactin are in check, tren will greatly lower your standards on where you'll put your dick lol. It's like turbo beer goggles. :wiggle:

On that note: High/low estradiol or low testosterone will decrease libido. High prolactin (deca/tren) will give a case of the floppies and make blowing your load an Olympic event.
If estradiol and prolactin are in check, tren will greatly lower your standards on where you'll put your dick lol. It's like turbo beer goggles. :wiggle:

On that note: High/low estradiol or low testosterone will decrease libido. High prolactin (deca/tren) will give a case of the floppies and make blowing your load an Olympic event.

Lmao tell me about it! It's gotten so bad that some girl I'm seeing thought that I was starting to find her unattractive because I just wouldn't be in the mood to touch her at all whenever we hung out at my house! When I did get in the mood which was rare, ejaculating would take forever to the point where I would feel bad for her and just stop. the limp dick from Tren almost broke us up honestly.
I blamed it on my low carb diet, she luckily believed it and is sticking around cuz I told her when I bulk I'll be back to normal lmao
Thanks for your input halfwit
I will run Test at a higher dose this summer, stack some Prami and Adex
I usually Tren twice as much as Test, so I'm guessing it'll be like 400 or 500 test and 500 Tren this summer! Hopefully I'll be in a better mood
Lmao tell me about it! It's gotten so bad that some girl I'm seeing thought that I was starting to find her unattractive because I just wouldn't be in the mood to touch her at all whenever we hung out at my house! When I did get in the mood which was rare, ejaculating would take forever to the point where I would feel bad for her and just stop. the limp dick from Tren almost broke us up honestly.
I blamed it on my low carb diet, she luckily believed it and is sticking around cuz I told her when I bulk I'll be back to normal lmao
Thanks for your input halfwit
I will run Test at a higher dose this summer, stack some Prami and Adex
I usually Tren twice as much as Test, so I'm guessing it'll be like 400 or 500 test and 500 Tren this summer! Hopefully I'll be in a better mood

If you're able to make the trip, get a blood test 4 weeks in to make sure you're golden. It sucks that NY is commie and won't let you get a panel, but I have heard that if you use a buddy's out of state addy, you can get it done in a neighboring state.

Trust me, I know all too well what pushing rope is like. The wife knew it was from the tren, so her feelings weren't hurt, but she'd tease me with anal - knowing it was an exercise in futility. :(
Blood pressure and cholesterol are in check! Starting Liquid-Letro (AI) ASAP. hopefully not to much damage has been done, sex drive is thru the roof!
Blood pressure and cholesterol are in check! Starting Liquid-Letro (AI) ASAP. hopefully not to much damage has been done, sex drive is thru the roof!

BAD idea ^^^^ Letro should only be used in extreme cases or where gyno is diagnosed. Just keep the E in check with a proper AI and your good to go. Have the prami or caber on hand just in case but if the E is managed you won't need it.
^^ I think he was thinking of using Letro as his AI..

You need aromasin or arimidex/anastrozole OP
I was going to use Letro as an AI, will this work well?

Assuming that your letro is from our lion-headed friend, I'd take 0.2ml (240mcg) in the interim. Yes, you can use letrozole as an AI, but it's not recommended for the less experienced as there's a bit of tweaking involved.