Testosterone Enanthate 300 mg/week cycle vs 500 mg/week


New member
I wanna hear opinions on 300 mg/ week first test only cycle. I see a lot of "BRO DO 500 mg/week 300 IS A WASTE.. BRO". And then I see "More isn't better and that 300 mg/week is good for a beginner cycle. Thoughts?
What are your stats, goals and experience? Have you researched cycles and read the stickies? They have a lot of great info in them! Cycling is about more than just injecting some test.
I don't necessarily think that they are trying to sell you the "more is better" song and dance. I think what most people are saying is that 300mgs will shut you down just like 500mgs, 750mgs, hell...5000mgs. It is exogenous test and will shut down your endogenous testosterone production and therefore require a PCT to gain normalcy.

With that in mind, if you are going to shutdown, you might as well try to maximize your gain to side effect ratio. I don't think you would find anyone on here that would recommend 5000mgs per week because the side effects and costs would outweigh the gains that you would see. But the flip side of the coin would be that 300mgs would probably not net yield enough gain to warrant complete shutdown.

I don't want to speak for everyone, but usually, that is my logic when I recommend against low dose cycles.
I've researched this for a long time honestly, haha. Kind of pathetic, I've set up a whole first cycle but just stuck between doing 300 and 500 per week. Part of me wants to be conservative and just see how my body reacts, then again I just wanna do the 500 regardless of sides. I guess seeing my buddy have super bad sides to 500 mg/week rests in the back of my mind. I'm 24 years old 5' 8" 202 pounds and 14.7% body fat.
joliver, thanks man.
Ha, yeah 5000 mg is a tad much for me :) I'm still a ways out from doing it, I'm just in the contemplation stage and trying to collect data before I take the plunge. No pun intended.
It all depends on your goals. But a standard beginner cycle is as follows.

1.Blood test to determine current stats.

2.Test E or C @500-600mg weekly split between 2 injections.

3.HCG @ 500ius weekly split between 2 injections

4. AI- Aromasin or Armidex