Testoviron and Winny stack in the land of smiles (Thailand)


New member
Hey gents,

Was wondering on a couple of opinions.

35 years old
5 years lifting
6ft 3" tall
208 lbs
BF % 12-13%
Done 1 cycle in the past

I am currently in Thailand and will be doing a nice and easy 12-week cycle.

1-12 Testoviron 500 mg per week (1 X 250mg every 3-4 days)
7-12 Winny 50 mg oral EOD
1-12 Arimidex 0.5 mg EOD

My goal is to gain some muscle mass for the first 6 weeks (if possible) and then begin a caloric deficit with intermittent fasting and fasted cardio once I start the Winny and try to shed some fat while taking advantage of the gear to keep muscle on.

Any opinions on this approach?

Also, what would you recommend for PCT on this one?

I'm considering the possibility of maybe staying on a low dose of test (250 mg) per week after the cycle as a sort of TRT to keep my libido and energy levels strong for the ladies but can also just do PCT and take a 3-4 month break before hopping back on something else.

My first cycle I hired an IFBB pro to guide me through the process and it was quite a bit more complicated and aggressive than this so I thought I would try something a bit less complex as I move towards my 40's.

I appreciate your advice. Great forum!
are you there for entertainment purposes or business?

I am a world traveler and work from my laptop so I am actually living here for the next year, possibly longer as I really like many things about it.

The reality is that I am thinking I should just drop the winny and possibly do just a Testoviron cycle and focus on perfect diet and lifting / recovery.

On the other hand, I am open to potentially adding another compound Any recommendations?