Thanks for just fking my rep power you foolish idiot!!!

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justin h

New member
So apparently someone with alot of rep power destroyed mine in the ""
Thread...and apparently he cannot be found. Not sure what was said to hurt this mans butt feelings..but my god is your reasoning??? Even with all the +reps I just received for bringing this to the board it doesn't even register..
No biggie...I'll hide my shit...but your a coward.
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Never bothered me any... Chill out guy! Its hard to soar like an eagle when your surrounded by pigeons! Lol
Seriously? Does rep power concern you this much?

I'd guess it's just type AAA personality and youth coming through, sound and fury etc. Now I have to grab some popcorn and check out the original thread. Disagreement on the internet can be so interesting.

All good J H, don't sweat it; it doesn't affect your daily.

edit: Read thread, I don't get that really. Must have caught one of the bigs in a bad mood, or he misclicked. Didn't look near as bad as some of the crap Imdennis used to sling.
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I'd guess it's just type AAA personality and youth coming through, sound and fury etc. Now I have to grab some popcorn and check out the original thread. Disagreement on the internet can be so interesting.

All good J H, don't sweat it; it doesn't affect your daily.

Lol popcorn sounds good right about now.
Seriously? Does rep power concern you this much?

Its just the point man....what did i say to deserve -1980 points???
The reasoning behind his action were "take it easy little buddy"
Hey thats great and all..but seriouly! For what?? is all I want to know.
Did you read that thread??? Nothing was said at all to get this shit.
Went from plus whatever I had... rep to minus 1980.
I'm just sayen I wouldn' that without giving that person a reason.
Pretty fucking lame and coward like
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Could be a mistake man, try to keep investigating it. Otherwise, just bring honest opinions, experience and add value to discussions like you have already. Karma comes back bro.
I'm sure talking shit about it will definitely get rid of those shiny new rep bars! Just calm down before u get your ass banned. It's a public forum. Whoopy doo about reps. You know who's full of shit and who ain't. If it was my guess, it probably had to do with u questioning a labs validity.
Alright guys. This is pointless. No need to tie up the forums with rep talk.

Justin: I know if sucks but just make it a goal to work yourself back into the green. Make posts that help people and merit repping.

I'm closing this one since it isn't going to add any value to anything.
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