the 1/2 diet.


I am banned!
this is more for the overweight steroidology user! my sister is using this method and she has dropped 50 lbs in 3 months. all natty. pretty impressive. the basic theory is u cut your diet in 1/2 provided you eat too much crap all day long. for example she used to scarf down hlaf a pizza in a seating. now she eats one and half slices per. and this applys with everything you normally eat. this is a smart idea. and of course you cant eat all the fruits and veg, you want. it works for the obeise. please note that i also got her in the gym and bought her an elliptical machine that she uses all the time. so if you can cut your fat intake in hlaf and step up the cardio u can lose the lbs as well.

please note that i eat as much pizza as i can as often as i want. because i train like a mother fucker, and i dont compete.

thank you,