The Doc's journal...with help from 3J


New member
Hey everyone, I've been a longtime lurker but recently joined to continue my pursuit in getting the body of my dreams. I was going to start a cycle but have since decided to put that off temporarily (for a few months) until I can get my workouts and diet in check to maximize my gains from a cycle. I've always been natty, and looking to maximize my gains that way before jumping on a cycle.

A little about me: I work crazy hours sometimes and have decided to go back to school to finish my degree. So I work full time and go to school fulltime with a busy schedule. I'm 27yo 5ft10in tall and now ~177lbs. I've been working out since i was about 15 to play football and general health. I got very serious about my training during college but due to problems was always training on and off. I had a decent diet and a good workout regimen for about a solid 2years but hurt my knee and went back to school so took a few months off from the gym (since Aug 2011). That is about to change haha. At my peak I had done a decent bulk to 205lbs and cut down to around 185lbs, thats when my injury happened. Anyway I haven't worked out much since and a lot of my muscle has turned to fat as the weight on the scale is reading lower but I'm looking flabbier. I just got my gym membership back and am excited to jump back into this time around. Looking to use my journal as a support system to keep myself motivated and have some accountability to my progress. So feel free to leave a comment or a critique, I'm open to suggestions and looking to just expand my knowledge.

So with that said my longterm goals are: to be around 200lbs at 8-10% BF with visible abs and vascularity. For the short term I'm looking to do a full body recomp and cut down on fat while raising my lean body mass. Another goal of mine is to join the 1K club in the big three: squat, deadlift, and bench. So strength is another top priority.

My workout in the beginning will be Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength[/QUOTE] believe it universally to be the best novice/beginner program anywhere imo. Once I stop making progressive/weekly strength gains then I'll jump onto Bill Star/Madcow 5x5 or Mark Rippetoe's Texas Method but those are for down the road.

For nutrition I don't have much info right now but I will say I signed on with 3J for an 8wk carb cylcling prgram (I highly recommend him to anyone). He's finishing the details of my diet and will do my best to follow it to a T. Shameless plug here: anyone on the fence about 3J or diets in general, email or pm 3J. He gets back to you ridiculously fast, is honest, the best at what he does, and cares about you as a person not a statistic. I'm confident with him in my corner my goals will be achievable in no time. Ill be adding for info about the diet as it becomes known to me.

I will try to update this thread as often as possible but due to work and school priorities it might not be as regular as I'd like. I'll try and put up some pics and stats every week or so to show my progress. I look forward to the coming months, am excited to finally make lasting changes in my body, and happy to share it with you guys :D Like I said feel free to add anything, leave feedback, or critique all is welcome.
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Saturday was my first day back at the gym in months. Felt good to be back at it. Taking it easy and starting back at the bottom to make sure my form is perfect. 3J will be coming soon with the diet but I decided to get a head start on him with the lifting haha.


Warmup 3min on bike and dynamic stretching

Squats (atg)
135lbs 3x5

Military press
45lbs 3x5

135lbs 3x5

Bw 3x6

Superset BB curls with CG bench press
BB curls: 55lbs 3x8
CH bench: 75lbs 3x8

Leg raises for abs and some light cardio

Felt very stiff at the gym and noticed a huge lack of flexibility on all lifts but esp the dips. Will work on that with stretching and more lifting should loosen everything up. All in all it was a good day and good to be back but it sucks leaving the ego at the door and using less weights than I know I can handle. But I got hurt last summer and tried lifting through it and got fucked up worse. Now form takes precedence over weight and I'm starting from the bottom. Will be back in the gym tomorrow for the next workout.
Logged my second workout now and feeling better. Quickly getting acclimated to working out again.

Tuesday 3/20/12

Squat (atg)
155lbs 3x5

Bench Press
95lbs 3x5

Power Cleans
70lbs 3x5

bw 5,3,3

Incline Situps
15, 12, 8, 8

10, 10

Light/medium elliptical

Just got the new diet from 3J and stoked to start running it. Will wait till the weekend though so I can stock up on supplies haha.
Thursday 3/22/12

Squats (atg)
165lbs 3x5

Military Press
60lbs 3x5

165lbs 3x5

Pushups with feet on bench
12, 8, 6

Light cardio

Felt good throughout the entire workout. No soreness or fatigue so I'm getting used to it quick. I haven't started 3J's diet yet, waiting for Sunday, but I've been using his principles in my current diet. Will put up weight and measurements here soon as a way to track my progress.

Squats (atg)
175lbs 3x5

Bench Press
105lbs 3x5

Power Cleans
75lbs 5x3

5, 5, 5

10lbs 8, 8

Incline Situps
15, 15, 15, 15
Another workout down


Squats (atg)
185lbs 3x5

Military Press
75lbs 3x5

170lbs 3x5

Pushups (ft on bench)
12, 10, 8

Leg raises
10lbs 10, 8, 5

Squats (atg)
190lbs 3x5

Bench Press
110lbs 3x5

Power Cleans
80lbs 3x5

Bw 8, 12, 8

BB Curls
55lbs 3x8

CG Bench
75lbs 3x8

Planks. Gym was closing so no time for cardio