the ending of my first cycle


New member
I started a cycle about three months ago. it went like this...

dbol 40mg/ed weeks 1-4
test 400 300mg/e3d 2-12 (nervous to pin the first week lol)
dbol 40mg/ed weeks 12-14
noval and arim for pct weeks 14-20
and creatine and nitric oxide complex weeks 14-till begining of next cycle

I just did my last shot today and start the final two weeks of dbol tomorrow

the dbol was definitely a kickstart to my gains, and also a kickstart to giving me an appetite. I gained 22 pounds which is ok, i was hoping more around the 30-35 range.

Mistakes i did i will learn for next cycle...
Make sure i have all the gear and pct before starting, having a healthier diet - i was only making sure i got my 3500-4000 calories and my 300g of protein a day nothing else-, and pinning first day of cycle.

all in all i cant complain it was ok gains, great strength increase. however, dreading to see if i get weaker or lose wieght during pct.

im going to drop my reps and sets from 3 sets of twelve 1 set to failure of each workout. Im going to try the 5x5 workout to see if i can maintain or even gain weight off cycle.