The hollywood peptide- mt2


New member
Just got my MT2, now how should I use it??? I know, it's a vanity peptide, but for all intents and purposes, aren't they all? Just look so much better with a great tan! I have done some reading on this stuff, so I have a general dosing protocol which really does differ from one person to the next depending on complexion. I'm between II and III on the Fitzpatrick Scale for skin types. I was really just hoping that someone here that's used MT2 could share their experience and maybe eliminate some of the dosing confusion and give me the do's and dont's. Anybody?
Nice , tan for a moment like a month or life?
I've watched a video from Rich Piana taking it , he said that he skin was still darker 2 years after havin taken it , that sounds nice , but the sides effects must be bad too.
Are all peptides injection ? or is there liquid/oral?
Just got my MT2, now how should I use it??? I know, it's a vanity peptide, but for all intents and purposes, aren't they all? Just look so much better with a great tan! I have done some reading on this stuff, so I have a general dosing protocol which really does differ from one person to the next depending on complexion. I'm between II and III on the Fitzpatrick Scale for skin types. I was really just hoping that someone here that's used MT2 could share their experience and maybe eliminate some of the dosing confusion and give me the do's and dont's. Anybody?
Its not just a vanity peptide, it helps protect your skin better than without....
I rec a few ways of doing it, but here is some info i made on peps and MT2 is mentioned>

Using RUIs MT2 in my research and LOVING it!. been 3 weeks and already have tan. by week 6 ill have to cut back.
Yes Porkchop, it's actually very beneficial in protecting against skin cancer. Obviously less exposure to UVR's means less risk of melanoma. Technically, skin tanning is actually a side effect seen by MT2's action on melanocytes to stimulate melanin production, which is the pigment responsible for photoprotective tanning. Melanotan II binds to melanocortin receptors (MCRs) which influence pigmentation, inflammation, energy homeostasis, appetite and sexual function. While it has been called the "Barbie Drug" for its ability to give a dark, natural tan with much less exposure to UVR's, it's important to note that it is NOT a sunless tanner. Some UV exposure is needed. To answer your question NewBorn, the tan is NOT permanent, but after achieving the desired tan, with a maintenance dose 2X/w a tan can be retained for months. As far as "side effects" go, depending on who you are and what your goals are, I personally don't see adipose fat loss, decreased appetite or increased libido as a bad thing. I just started mine yesterday. I started at a low dose and will ramp up from .25mg to no more than 1mg/ed while loading, then cruise @ that dose 2X/w as maintenance. I'll post my results as I go.
Is there oral MT2?

Any oral MT2 you see is 99.9% of the time not legit. It can work as a nasal spray absorbed through the mucus membranes in the nasal cavity but its tough to find it that way.
The inject able from a reliable peptide place like rui is the way to go man.
Any oral MT2 you see is 99.9% of the time not legit. It can work as a nasal spray absorbed through the mucus membranes in the nasal cavity but its tough to find it that way.
The inject able from a reliable peptide place like rui is the way to go man.

Agreed. Sub-Q pinning is the way to go. Don't chance trying to find a legit nasal spray. MT II is easy to find in lyophilized form and relatively inexpensive. 29-31g slin pins are pretty much painless too if that's the hang up with injection.
NewBorn, I tried to PM you, but admin wouldn't let me for some reason. IDK why, sorry Bro. Don't have any experience w/the sponsor RUI, but a lot of guys here say they're good.
Ok , i think i'll buy on RUI some syringue with needles ( how much do i need ) , alcohol swabs , melatonan II 10 mg ( do i need to buy Bacteriostatic Water 30mL with it ?)
And i've watched some videos about where to inject it , in the fat low abs etc , but i don't really know the doses etc , and i didn't understand well the mix with the bacto water and the peptide.
Ok , i think i'll buy on RUI some syringue with needles ( how much do i need ) , alcohol swabs , melatonan II 10 mg ( do i need to buy Bacteriostatic Water 30mL with it ?)
And i've watched some videos about where to inject it , in the fat low abs etc , but i don't really know the doses etc , and i didn't understand well the mix with the bacto water and the peptide.

Ok, how much you'll need depends on what skin type you are on the Fitzpatrick Scale. If you're fair skinned and burn easily, I'd suggest you pick up 30mg (3 bottles), this will last the summer. Yes, you will need BW to reconstitute the lyophilized MT II powder. Pick up some 29g x 1/2" U-100 slin pins.

1ml slin pin means 100 units
10mg MT II = 10,000mcg
2ml BW added = 50mcg/unit
10 units = 500mcg (.5mg)

Start w/250mcg (.25mg) =5 ticks (half way to 10) to make sure your body tolerates it.
Day 2: 500mcg (.5mg) = 10 units. This dose should be fine to use every day while loading for the first month, but if need be, you can ramp up to a max of 1000mcg (1mg) = 20 units.
Make sure you're getting regular UV exposure, whether it's sun or tanning salon. In a couple wks. you should start to develop a nice tan. Once the desired tan has been achieved or at the 1 month mark, cut your dose back to 2 pins/wk.
Always wipe the MT II vials rubber stopper w/alcohol prep pad, then your injection site before and after pinning. Make sure to rotate injection sites, meaning about 2" from left of belly button Monday, 2" from right of belly button Tuesdsay...etc.
I'm normal skin , not fair skinned , i'll take 1 bottle only , 2 is already too expensive.
I need those ? Syringe with needle: Insulin .5 cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack or Syringe with needle: Insulin 1cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack ?
100 slin pins = 35$ damn expensive , will i have to pin everyday?? i thought it was 1-2 a week only , and that results were visible the first day after a sun exposure.

For the BW , i don't understand exactly how much i have to put , i put 2 slin pin full ? and the rest i can keep it in my room ?
The thing is that i'm leaving for holidays the 15th june , so i have 1 month left , but the shipping will take 2 weeks i think ( i live in europe ) , so i ll have only 2 weeks , then i won't be able to take it for 1 month , is it ok ?

FOr the other peptides , what are the dangers? i'd like to test one in july/august , because i won't take my steroids cycle , i'll wait some months/years .
Is that one good for exemple for a young guy like me ? hGH Peptide fragment 177-191 2mgs , are the results worth the price/side effects? and after the bottle is done , no need PCT etc?
As far as the other peptides you asked about are concerned, the short answer is NO PCT, as these are NOT AAS's. There is no suppression of testosterone. However the long drawn out answer will prob give me carpel tunnel typing!LOL Steroids work by increasing the size of muscle cells, HGH, GHRP's, GHRH's, IGF-1 work in a very different way by causing muscle hyperplasia. These are the real heavy hitters, and when used with Testosterone have a synergistic affect and cause dramatic gains in lean muscle mass by proliferation (ordering new stem cells), and differentiation (maturing new stem cells to become muscle cells). You'll really need to have a basic understanding of the various hormones produced by our bodies (testosterone, estrogen, GH, IGF-1, insulin, cortisol...etc.), when and how they're produced, and their basic functions before considering using them synthetically. I haven't really looked at peptide threads on this forum, but I'm sure there will be plenty of useful threads to help a beginner. Start reading. You could also check out for some pretty good articles. Even better yet, google Datbtrue. He's very knowledgeable on the subject.

I can only tell you what I use, and the thought process behind it.
*Peptides For Dummies...haha...No offense
GHRP-2 @100mcg 3X/d & CJC-1295 w/o DAC (Mod GRF-129) @100mcg 3X/d...morning, immediately PWO, and before bed to cause the pituitary to produce and release longer, stronger natural GH pulses. More GH means more IGF-1 (the most powerful anabolic hormone). With this also comes improved insulin sensitivity among other things. So now with proper nutrition and nutrient shuttling thnx to insulin we've primed our body to be anabolic. With intense heavy weight training we see an increase in localized MGF PWO which causes proliferation, followed an hr. later w/60mcg IGF-1 LR3 bilaterally, we see differentiation of these new stem cells. Test-E @250mg/e3d causes hypertrophy of muscle cells and helps offset the increase in cortisol and prolactin from using GHRP's & GHRH's. Arimadex @.5mg/d keeps the estrogen in check and HCG @250IU/e3d keeps test suppression at a minimum, both make for an easier PCT. PCT is Clomid @50mg/d & Nolvadex @20mg/d and 3g DAA for 4 wks.

I could go on and on, but I'm sure you'll do your homework and educate yourself by reading posts of the very knowledgeable Bro's on here. If I could leave you with one piece of advice, it would be: Learn the functions of hormones and supplements in the body and understand that it's all about TIMING and symmetry. Hope this helps.
I'm normal skin , not fair skinned , i'll take 1 bottle only , 2 is already too expensive.
I need those ? Syringe with needle: Insulin .5 cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack or Syringe with needle: Insulin 1cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack ?
100 slin pins = 35$ damn expensive , will i have to pin everyday?? i thought it was 1-2 a week only , and that results were visible the first day after a sun exposure.
Unless you're a IV on the Fitzpatrick scale (have olive skin, never burn, always tan) 1 bottle will not be enough. 10 pins won't be enough the math, you're gonna load for a month...regardless of dose, that's 30 pins + maintenance.
For the BW , i don't understand exactly how much i have to put , i put 2 slin pin full ? and the rest i can keep it in my room ?
The thing is that i'm leaving for holidays the 15th june , so i have 1 month left , but the shipping will take 2 weeks i think ( i live in europe ) , so i ll have only 2 weeks , then i won't be able to take it for 1 month , is it ok ?
Yes, 2 U-100 slin pins is 2ml. Keep it in your freezer
FOr the other peptides , what are the dangers? i'd like to test one in july/august , because i won't take my steroids cycle , i'll wait some months/years .
Is that one good for exemple for a young guy like me ? hGH Peptide fragment 177-191 2mgs , are the results worth the price/side effects? and after the bottle is done , no need PCT etc?

Can't give advice on AAS's or peptides, as I don't know anything about you. What are your stats?

My replies are above in red.
Nice , yea i've read quite a bit yet.
I can't speak perfectly english , but for exemple , if i take IGF DES 1mg for 4 or 8 weeks , depends on how much weeks it last for a bottle , after i finish it ( i won't take AAS/PH ) , i shouldn't take anything .
Is that IGF DES 1mg need to be inject everyday? i can't see how to dose it .
For the injection , it's the same as MT II , in the area of belly button , in fat cells , right?

FOr the pins , do i need .5 cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack or Syringe with needle: Insulin 1cc 29G X 0.5" 10/Pack ?
Can't give advice on AAS's or peptides, as I don't know anything about you. What are your stats?

My replies are above in red.

Ok , well i must be a II on fitzpactrick scale.
For the 2ml BW , what do i do with the BW left ?

Stats : 21yo , 5'4 , started at 115 , i'm not at 150-155 , trained for 5 years. yes i'm 'light' , but that's how we are in my family , all light weight , and i'm 'massive' even with this weight
Ok , well i must be a II on fitzpactrick scale.
For the 2ml BW , what do i do with the BW left ?

Stats : 21yo , 5'4 , started at 115 , i'm not at 150-155 , trained for 5 years. yes i'm 'light' , but that's how we are in my family , all light weight , and i'm 'massive' even with this weight

I did .5mg the other day. Had a hardon on and off for 5 hours. Took about 2 hours to hit me. I tried 1mg, and made me noxious. Never mind the the tanning, I use it for libido purposes.

I got mine from US Peptides.
I did .5mg the other day. Had a hardon . Never mind the the tanning, I use it for libido purposes.

I got mine from US Peptides.

does the aphrodisiac effect affect the womenz as well as the men.

looks like Im going to hawaii with the wifey in oct.
i could sell her on the tanning effect and cash in on the xtra sex!!

win win
Everyone listen up. I've posted quite a bit on this forum about MT2 and have "tested" the substance for years now. I want everyone to be aware of the following [Melanotan II injection resulting in sys... [Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2012] - PubMed - NCBI]:

I've personally tested/witnessed high blood pressure spikes/hypertension with MT II. If you're researching this chem, I would advise you monitor blood pressure carefully and I would not advise taking it if you've had hypertension issues in the past.

What's key about the below is reported systemic toxicity, rhabdomyolysis (death of striated muscle cells), and renal (kidney) dysfunction. Yes, this guy may have OD'd on MT2 but you should be aware that extended use of this peptide may eventually cause problems in those areas.

I actually met a researcher who was studying MT2's effect on the melanocortin system with regard to causing behavioral and psychosocial changes. She wanted me to share my research (and prob M2 boner lol) but i'll leave that out from this write-up since it's not well-documented, a relatively new study, and distracting.

In late winter I would start a cycle of d1 .25mcg, d3, .5mcg, d4, .5mcg, d6 .5mcg (loading phase) with plenty of UV is synergistic and very effective. I would then maintain that every weekend with .5mcg and some play of course... you can guess what that is. My concern is when you get into taking it weekly for a year or so-- it's not really well documented how that impacts blood pressure, toxicity in the nervous system, kidneys, and striated muscle cells over time.

So be careful with this one brothers. Stay informed. Research carefully before testing. --Liberate


Melanotan products are currently purchased over the Internet and are designed to induce melanogenesis to create sunless tanning as well are used as sexual stimulants. We report a novel case of systemic toxicity with sympathomimetic excess and rhabdomyolysis after use of Melanotan II.

A 39 year-old Caucasian male injected subcutaneously 6 mg of Melanotan II purchased over the Internet in an attempt to darken his skin during wintertime. This dose was six times the recommended starting dose per the patient. In the emergency department two hours post injection, he complained of diffuse body aches, sweating, and a sensation of anxiety. Vital signs included BP 151/85 mmHg, HR 130 bpm that peaked at 146 bpm, and temperature of 97.8°F. Physical exam demonstrated a restless and anxious appearing male with mydriasis, diaphoresis, tachycardia, and diffuse muscle tremors. Pertinent laboratory values were creatinine 2.25 mg/dL, CPK 1760 IU/L, troponin 0.23 ng/mL, WBC 19.1 k/***956;L. Urinalysis demonstrated 3 + blood with red cell casts but 0-2 RBC/hpf. Qualitative urine drug screen was negative for metabolites of cocaine and amphetamines but positive for opiates. The patient received benzodiazepines for agitation and anxiety and had improvement in his symptoms. He was admitted to the ICU and during hospitalization his CPK elevated to 17773 IU/L 12 hours later. He continued to receive intravenous fluids with sodium bicarbonate for rhabdomyolysis and his CPK decreased to 2622 IU/L with improvement of creatinine to 1.23 mg/dL upon discharge from the ICU after 3 days. The substance, which he injected, was analyzed via mass spectrometry and was confirmed to be Melanotan II when compared with an industry purchased standard sample.

Melanotan products are purchased via the Internet and have three main formulations (Melanotan I, Melanotan II, and bremelanotide). Melanotan I increases melanogenesis and eumelanin content to produce sunless tanning. Melanotan II also increases skin pigmentation but also produces spontaneous penile erections and sexual stimulation. Bremelanotide is a variation of Melanotan II that is specifically designed for sexual stimulation. This unique case highlights the potential of systemic toxicity with sympathomimetic excess, rhabdomyolysis, and renal dysfunction from Melanotan II use.

Melanotan II use resulted in systemic toxicity including apparent sympathomimetic symptoms, rhabdomyolysis, and renal dysfunction.
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