The Patriots record


I am banned!
1-3 !!!!

A heart-felt SORRY goes out to all you Patriots fans :bawling:

:D:D:D I sure hope this continues thru the REAL season :D:D:D
20 consecutive wins DrVeejay, now that's what counts. PATRIOTS are the real deal baby, they do not show their strategies and play's in the pre-season games by the way since they do not need to win.

This will teach you to hold your horses.
Drveejay11 said:
1-3 !!!!

A heart-felt SORRY goes out to all you Patriots fans :bawling:

:D:D:D I sure hope this continues thru the REAL season :D:D:D

hahahah, i sure hope you were joking about that last sentence.
theHULK9281 said:
Well, their little streak will come to an end after my Steelers take it to them this week.


hate to tell ya homeboy, but it ain't gonna happen. Bellichick is gonna have Rothlesberger so confused he won't remember how to tie his shie. Maybe Roth gets a few more years experience under his belt he'll beat the Pats, but not this year.
Hawaiian Silky said:
hate to tell ya homeboy, but it ain't gonna happen. Bellichick is gonna have Rothlesberger so confused he won't remember how to tie his shie. Maybe Roth gets a few more years experience under his belt he'll beat the Pats, but not this year.


'Nuff said.
Bwahahahahah!!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist, but nobody gave us a chance and we proved them wrong.

theHULK9281 said:
Bwahahahahah!!!! Sorry, I couldn't resist, but nobody gave us a chance and we proved them wrong.

