Lifting had been a passion and serious hobby of mines for many years back in my early 20s. Depression, anxiety, university, work all hit me like a truck and I eventually gave up on lifting altogether and ate like a pig for years.
Now I am trying to pursue lifting as a hobby again and turn my physique and life back around.
I am on my 6th day of strict dieting, and 1 month of consistent training. I weigh around 100kg at 5'10, and my first goal is to cut down to 80-85kg through strict dieting, cardio, heavy lifting.
After that, I will focus on strength, muscle and power. I plan to hit the gym at least 3 days a week, and do cardio on off days.
Nice meeting you all
Now I am trying to pursue lifting as a hobby again and turn my physique and life back around.
I am on my 6th day of strict dieting, and 1 month of consistent training. I weigh around 100kg at 5'10, and my first goal is to cut down to 80-85kg through strict dieting, cardio, heavy lifting.
After that, I will focus on strength, muscle and power. I plan to hit the gym at least 3 days a week, and do cardio on off days.
Nice meeting you all