The Perfect Protein Mix


New member
So, I discovered this site you all probably have already known about . As I was lookin around I found this mix your own protein shake thing. I was wondering what your guys opinion on the best possible mix of protein was. I'm not trying to gain a massive amount of weight, so the calories of the shake or anything like that really isn't a concern. I'm just lookin for a good all around protein shake. I think a good healthy mix of Whey, Soy, and Casien would be good. Along with a bit of the other stuff they have to offer.

Dominance said:
So, I discovered this site you all probably have already known about . As I was lookin around I found this mix your own protein shake thing. I was wondering what your guys opinion on the best possible mix of protein was. I'm not trying to gain a massive amount of weight, so the calories of the shake or anything like that really isn't a concern. I'm just lookin for a good all around protein shake. I think a good healthy mix of Whey, Soy, and Casien would be good. Along with a bit of the other stuff they have to offer.


All the advice I got suggested whey shake PWO and a Casien before bed
i've spent a longer time than I thought off the forums... PWO?

Ya, i know casien is by far the better for before the bed. I can't decide if i want to get 2 1/2 lbs of a good pre-post workout shake, and a nice casien 2 1/2 lbs before bed.
i like doing WPI (whey protein isolate) postworkout (concentrate will work just fine if it doesnt give you stomach does that to some people)

there really is no "perfect" mix, but micellar casein is a great protein. If youre makeing a throughout-the-day mix, or pre-bedtime mix, make sure its got a high amount of casein. You can do a little whey with it, some egg, or whatever you want, really, but i like keeping everything simple and just doing 100% micellar casein.

btw, if you use the discount code in my sig you get 5% off every order
I use Isolate Cold-Filtration for everything.

It tastes the best and it is easy on the stomach. I used to use concentrate, but I found I got cramps and gas if I used too much in one shake. With the Cold-Filtration I can use 100gr without any problems.

If you want to slow absorption, add some EFA's to your shake.
I think I must be the only guy on here who loves the soy protien. Its all I've been using along with some cold filtration when I feel like it. I'm not sure why it works so well for me but I sure have been making the best gains I've had in a long time. went from 250-270 in three month and still lean.