The World's First Test Boosting Nutrient Repartitioner!


Jacked and Tan
Whether you’re trying to build muscle, burn fat, or both, you need to take advantage of every calorie you eat. You want your carbohydrates to supply energy; your proteins/fats to build muscle and melt away fat! That’s exactly what we kept in mind when formulating Need2Slin.

Insulin is one of the body’s most potent hormones, playing a role in everything from the anabolic process of building muscle, to the thermogenic process of burning fat!

When insulin is released into the bloodstream, it acts to shuttle carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into various cells. If the proteins and carbohydrates find their way into muscle, the result is anabolic (muscle is gained). But if those nutrients change gears from the muscle to fat, then it’s stored as body fat! The key here is to make sure that your muscles are insulin sensitive. Insulin sensitivity plays a role in determining your muscle-to-fat ratio; the more insulin sensitive you are, the more muscle you gain while staying lean.

• Increase lean body mass
• Lower body fat
• Faster metabolism
• Boost thyroid output
• Increase testosterone
• Improve insulin sensitivity in muscle
• Increase natural energy
• Enhance muscular blood flow

- See more at: Need2Slin - the worlds first test boosting nutrient repartitioner!
Buying some right now. Literally.

I thought n2amp was taken off the shelves ? I love those things insane pumps
2 n2slin

And hurry to knock down 40g of dextrose. Lol

Than I take all my post workout supps, multi, etc too take advantage of everything get moved around

Yeah thats a good combo. When I did it I took 2 n2slin with 3.33iu GH, then 20 minutes later I took 7iu humalog. Then lifted and drank an intra-workout shake with dextrose, whey to build muscle, and creatine.

I'm currently on week 2 of humalog at 5iu pwo on
Training days...205-218lbs in two weeks but seem
To be stuck in the 218-220barrier, thinking
On switching to prework out inj to see if pre
Is better suited for me. What's y'all's grams per shake
Consist of and time frames prior or post inj?
I'm currently on week 2 of humalog at 5iu pwo on
Training days...205-218lbs in two weeks but seem
To be stuck in the 218-220barrier, thinking
On switching to prework out inj to see if pre
Is better suited for me. What's y'all's grams per shake
Consist of and time frames prior or post inj?

Its best to start with 10g carbs per iu of slin. I can get away with less but you need to be very careful with that and always have extra carbs/glucose tabs on you when using it. N2Slin can effect your insulin sensitivity too so that is something to consider if your using that too.