Why so?Ephedrines suck
Why so?Ephedrines suck
even a multi vitamin is not "FDA approved" .... for the most part in my op FDA is simply regulators of big pharma and THEIR interests and $.... not yours..What thermogenics are safe to use? I want to lose weight but it should be FDA approved so I'm sure they are not harmful.
Why so?
i don't if this is the right place to post but i could use some help. i just bought some clen from medistar it says its 200mcg/ml and i took 120mcg this morning and im not feeling anything. it tastes like vodka. i was doing two days on and two off and doing ECA on my off days and started last monday, could my receptors be saturated already? or is it just bunk.
i would rec maybe 100mcg then? careful with clen. just because you havent had issue yet sdoesnt mean dont play it safe.I don't do ECA and clen at the same time just off days. I've done lots of stuns back ei. Coke, speed. And my ticker is fine.
I like 2on 2off because I don't like the idea of running something like clen for that long. I've done some clen from two places sal and mediastar. The sal stuff I felt it at 40mcg. But this medistar stuff I wasn't feeling shit at divi would just take more. Started at 60 then went to 80 now I've done 120 two day in a row yesterday I got a headache but today nothing. Shouldn't I be ampe at 120mcg two day in a row
Thanks for posting all that info. Can I do a longer term Clen cycle of 5 days on 2 days off for 8 weeks? And at what dosage?
T3 ain't no joke when it comes to Muscle loss. My friend was using t3 and clen on cycle and had a medical emergency. In the hospital they ran labs and saw he was breaking down large amounts of muscle and excreted it.
He was on 50mcg/day! And 800 mg of test and 500 deca.
So it is possible that even AAS won't stop the catabolic breakdown of muscle.
they are just generic, brand or slang names, aslong as the actual compound is the same (actual medical name for it) is the same then you are fine. like keto is short for ketotifen or nolvadex is just a brand name for the compound Tamoxifen. if you are unsure just google the name and look a it closer.An example of a possible cycle for fat loss would be as follows:
wk1-6 T3 (wk1-2 25mcg ed/wk3-6 50mcg ed)
wk1-6 Albuterol 7-10mg 2X a day (or 20mg 1X a day but 2X seems best)
wk2-6 Keto 1mg ed (I recommend just before bed time, as it may make you sleepy
hi sorry for the question but for example T3 can be any under this category like cytomel, Liothyronine (T3) 200mcg x 30ml or should be the name in here. the same for the keto. there are lot of different names. please advise if it can be any. thank
Your talking mainly from the t3 right? I thought Juiced said above clen is anti catabolic and actually conserves muscle loss....?