Thinking about Gear


New member
wassup everyone, I was wondering if I could get some feedback on steriod usage here are my stats:

Neck: 17 inches
Chest: 42 inches
Arms: 16.5 inches
Waist: 33 inches
Quads: 25 inches
Calves: 17 inches

I did sports all through high school, ran track and field did football, and no i need to put on some size for rugby. I am 5 9 and weigh about 200lbs with around 11% body fat. I eat around 300gs of protein a day (from ground beef, chicken, tuna) a lot of vegetables and fruit and I love sweet potatoes. Here are some pics I need to get to around 230 of solid muscle to do rugby...

youtubepic.jpg picture by chrystione - Photobucket

relaxed_pose.jpg picture by chrystione - Photobucket

sidechest.jpg picture by chrystione - Photobucket
Feedback on steroid usage?? Here is some feedback brother... "dont touch them". Ha, I know they are tempting, especially in the sport of rugby, trust me, I know! Lets start here- excellent work on your upper body, you look great! Let's see them wheels bro!! Your playing rugby, 90% of the sport is your legs! What else are you eating everyday? Keep your diet clean, do the rugby workouts and lift heavy when your not doing that, eat, eat, eat and I'm sure you will be just fine! You have a great base, just continue down the road that you are on and before you know it, you wont be a back and you will be hitting with the big dogs!!
You are young too. Your body has stopped growing yet until about the age 26 I believe. Basically you are set height then.
Agree with thatotherguy. Leave them alone for now, and push ur body to its natural limitations, before contemplating juice.