Thinking of increasing dose mid way through cycle. Thoughts on this?


New member
Hi all im currently half way through week 4 of a 12 week leanbulk cycle. Compounds im using are:

Infiniti labs one rip blend ( 50mg tren A, 50mg masteron, 50mg test P per ml) @ 3ml per week shooting mon wed fri.

Test E 250 @ 0.5ml mon + 0.5ml fri.

Weekly totals are:

150mg Tren A
150mg Test P
150mg Masteron
250mg Test E

So far im feeling really aggressive with good strength gains, Im starting to see a little difference in my shoulders getting bigger. I'm thinking of waiting until week six and depending on my progress upping the one rip to 1.5ml x 3 shots so new weekly totals would be:

225mg Tren A
225mg Test P
225mg Masteron
250mg Test E

What do you think? is it safe to up the dose for the last 12 weeks, if yes....would it be better to up the test E or up the one rip blend?

Too bad u have test e. Depending on his much if the blend u have, you could up that to 4.5 ml/week. Then u could start your pct sooner because u wouldn't have to wait did the test e to clear.

If you like the 3 compounds together, next time get them in different vials do you can customize the dose for each compound to your liking.

And for future reference, choose compounds with similar esters if possible..

Just my .02 though
I was recommended from a friend who used the same stuff which is why i decided to go with him as my last cycle turned out to be bunk gear so i didnt want to take a risk. I added test E because i thought using 3ml a week of the triple blend was quite low.
With those esters u should be pinning every other day. With how low the mg to ml is, u should be pinning every day. In my opinion that's a waste of gear running it 3 times a week at that low of a dose...
I was recommended from a friend who used the same stuff which is why i decided to go with him as my last cycle turned out to be bunk gear so i didnt want to take a risk. I added test E because i thought using 3ml a week of the triple blend was quite low.
Just think how smart you'll be if you just live long enough. In this game of altering hormone balances, always get an consensus from different sources and TONS of research, because ultimately its YOUR body and life you're fucking with.
as it turned out, your mistake weren't too bad( we've seen a lot worse). Some friends and especially ones peddling gear are notorious for selling you what they have most of or have the biggest profit margin, and not usually what is best for you at that particular time.

Educate yourself especially about the ancillaries and pct.
I would say it's safe to up the dosages if you are doing ok with the current dosages. I would stop the the Test.E about 10-12 days before the others so that it clears your system right around the same time as the others. Then start your pct as normal.
Just think how smart you'll be if you just live long enough. In this game of altering hormone balances, always get an consensus from different sources and TONS of research, because ultimately its YOUR body and life you're fucking with.
as it turned out, your mistake weren't too bad( we've seen a lot worse). Some friends and especially ones peddling gear are notorious for selling you what they have most of or have the biggest profit margin, and not usually what is best for you at that particular time.

Educate yourself especially about the ancillaries and pct.

Do you mean the mistake being the bunk gear? I should have being clearer on my last cycle. I was running 250mg of test e and 400mg of tren e a week and i didn't see any gains past week 4 so i had my blood work done and it showed elevated test levels which i assume was from the test e but there was no way of testing if tren was active and to top it off i had like 2 common symptoms of tren but not the "wonder" feeling that something of a high dose like that should have given me.

My pct is all in place with a hcg blast and clomid 2 weeks after my last inj. Ive got nolva on hand just incase i should need it.

i haven't ran short esters before so i dont know what to expect in terms of when i see noticeable gains but in the past with the long esters ive noticed gains around week 7/8
Do you mean the mistake being the bunk gear? I should have being clearer on my last cycle. I was running 250mg of test e and 400mg of tren e a week and i didn't see any gains past week 4 so i had my blood work done and it showed elevated test levels which i assume was from the test e but there was no way of testing if tren was active and to top it off i had like 2 common symptoms of tren but not the "wonder" feeling that something of a high dose like that should have given me.

My pct is all in place with a hcg blast and clomid 2 weeks after my last inj. Ive got nolva on hand just incase i should need it.

i haven't ran short esters before so i dont know what to expect in terms of when i see noticeable gains but in the past with the long esters ive noticed gains around week 7/8

Good.... Yur original post left me with the impression that you really hadn't done yur homework thT well. The learning process with anabolics should be limited to how your particular body reacts to each compound, and how little it takes to gets the results you/we are looking for while maintaining our health.

Ultimately, what does it matter if we look like Greek gods if our organs are decimated in the process?
Our health should still be our priority.
I personally believe the safest way to do a cycle is to stick to the dosage you started with. You dont want your hormones going up and down thats how side effects can start.