this is my first go at an injectable test e cycle


New member
im doing this forum to get some input and any advice. im looking to do my first injectable cycle using test E. and im going to run some d bol for the first four weeks to kick start my cycle.

age: 26
body fat: id say around 10%

experience: ive got 4 plus years experience lifting weights. back when i was a senior in high school i tried some tren xtreme, before it got taken off the shelf, i got from a local shop and put on some good size. after senior year i moved to russia for two years and lost it all and some. recently i got a hold of some anadrol 50 and put on 20 plus pounds and am currently maintaining 10-15 of that when my diet is in check...that said im now looking to run some test E for twelve weeks and jump start the cycle with some dbol.

week 1-12 test E 500 mg (inject twice week @ 250mg)
week 1-4 Dbol 40 mg ed
week 1-18 liver support

pct week 14-18 nolvadex 40/40/20/20
clomid 50/50/50/50

i was planning on having enough nolvadex to run 20mg eod from beginnning of cycle up to post cycle therapy (pct) in case i started showing sings of gyno. i read this in another forum. what are your thoughts. lately ive been thinking on getting an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex just in case gyno gets out of hand. should i just run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout whole cycle and use nolvadex as post cycle therapy (pct)? not a fan of how expensive AI's are...

im tall and lean 200...dont look it. so im going for some all out mass. (honestly fine with some water weight) 20 plus pounds. i plan on eating 5000 calories a day and getting 200 plus grams of protein a day. im at the gym 5 days a week for a good 1-2 hours.

also i plan on injecting into the glutes with a 1in 23 gage needle seeing how im so lean and not much fat on my butt.

any suggestions or things to adjust would be appreciated thanks.